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For a time being Bee lives with Checkers' as he slims some of the bulk around the shoulder and chest. It however takes lots of convincing on Checkers part. Until he mange to show Bee a retriable neck guard. It was when the alteration to the chest plate. With Ratchet help they remove it. Upon Ratchet face he frowns. His optics narrows.

"What is wrong?" As nervous tingle down Bee spine.

Ratchet sighs "I don't know? It is like looking at find the differences picture game."

Checker huffs "You can worry about that later. I want to get these on and then work on the peds." As he holds up beautifully curve neck guard.

"Fine" Ratchet sarcastically says as a whole bogy role to go with it.

It is when Checkers with Ratchet go to move a plate that there is this ting of something releasing and what is consider the spark chamber falls out of Bee chest. Bee, Ratchet and Checkers stand still for a second. Then Ratchet goes into action. Grabbing the spark chamber as he shouts at Checkers to start preforming emergency aide. Only for Ratchet and Checkers to stare at his chest and going quiet.

Voice trembling Bee whispers "what's wrong Ratchet."

Ratchet voice comes out with astonishment "you have. Another spark chamber."


Ratchet goes in close. Peering at every detail. "I only seen these types of spark chambers in ancient tiles."

"What tiles." As the urge to purge starts to build deep within him.

"Titians. Only yours a condense version." Ratchet voice far away in awe.

Checkers cough "Ratchet you can study that later. And put that weird thing back on. We don't what that is for. I got a schedule."

Ratchet optics roll his eyes "Whatever you say."

Once Bee was put back together. Evasive thoughts build up. He remembers dying. He did die. How could no-one notice that he had this spark chamber. It is a knock on the door that alerts them that someone was outside.

"Were you expecting someone?" Ratchet asks.

Checkers shake his head.

A shout happens "Hey its time you pay up. We are here to pick up your owing debt."

Checkers move to the door. "I have it. Just let me grab it."

The door burst open. Slamming into the red mech. Just where the door is a large grey tank standing outside the door.

"Boss says you have to pay extra." Voice rumble loud.

He steps onto Checkers arm crushing it. A cry of pain erupts. Time slow down as memories of comrades at the mercy. Bee reacted. Charging he slams into the tank. Driving him back off Checkers. A punch is thrown into Bee side.

"This is not your business. Stay out of it you little glitch."

Bee optics flicker to red as the many stresses of finding that no he was not in an alternate time line. He was in the past. Before many of his friends and himself was even created. Even before the war between cybertrons and the quintesson. And finding away to talk to Ratchet. The only bot he knows that maybe able to send him back to his time. Bee reacted. He grabs a long piece of metal and expertly twirls in finding the balance point. His battle mask engages.

"Oh, you want to fight. I squash you like a bug." The Tank sneer as he brings his servos up in a fist.

Binary burst from Bee as it made a dark chuckling sound and a bored "Whatever" is replied.

The Secret History of CybertronTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon