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Starscream had not awaken and has sent Gleamwave and Metalhawk into a frenzy. For two different reasons. For Gleamwave; Starscream was to assist Gadget with the demonstration. For Metalhawk; A catatonic prisoner that should be here in the first place. Now it appears bots believe that he is somehow their last hope. And being beyond at his last patients put into practice Ratchets teaching when the had certain bots wanting to overstay the hospital wing. Creating a small charge that is equal to a static shock touch Starscream forehead. The reaction is instant. As Strascream practically jumps and swing his arms around in a bid to hit what has woken him up. Seeing Bumblebee his face twist in a snarl.

"What!" Starscream roars.

Bumblebee express nothing. Letting the silence fill the room. "We are about to be able to see Incipient. And you have a demonstration tonight."

"You don't have to electrocute me." Snarling like a wild beast.

"Well, nothing was waking you up and we are already half way through the day!" Snapping back.

Starscream fold into himself. From being a huge lion into a mouse. "Half a day you say." Eyes glancing away. As boring eyes of the draganort recall back to him.

"Yes" And Bee sighs "You are not the first I had to wake up like this. So, it's nothing special." His eyes darting too and forth.

Starscream wings drop. "I take that it was something Ratchet train you in."

"Yeah." Bee voice coming out with static at the end.

Starscream can feel the loss of many he knew. And in his grief his personality became warp. As a commander he had to make decisions about soldiers. And those that had any talent of able to be a medic quickly learnt. And if those that had an ability that can be used in one way to assist a medic where adapted. And Bumblebee ability to course temporary paralysation with electric shocks could be manipulated to maybe keep constant charge to keep a spark going. How many times he had to put his servos on a spark chamber. To keep a spark alight.

"I am sorry too." Starscream whisper back. Knowing full well that if he was not a commander, he would have become a medic on a field.

Bumblebee gives him a hopeful smile. And if glow of Primus can light up their world with life. Then Primus glow must be in Bumblebee smile.

Ding ding ding each one an octave higher than before. A smooth timber voice goes over the speakers. "Passengers of Vessel XZ234 we are now approaching the third moon. If you would like to come to the viewing deck to witness our first sighting.


Incipient from the deck has three rings made of ice and meteors as they glow bright. Vast ocean of a liquid that made up of coolant, energon and oil. A weak solution that shimmers a rainbow. There are clouds of blue and land of red and gold and flora of green and purple. It looks like a sister to Earth. Bumblebee feels his spark thrum with joy. A foreign sensation that he could not describe tingles over his frame.

"Wow" as Bumblebee vents out as a human would breathe deeply in an out.

"It is beautiful." Voyage speaks as she stands next to Bumblebee.

Metalhawk walk to the front "No wonder they could disappear "the moon has a natural defence with its rings and atmosphere."

And if the moon heard. A group of draganort fly by as they themselves reaching a size of a human battle ship. There optics look over them. The younger draganorts doing acrobats upon see their visitors.

"Talking about defences they seem to be populated by predicons." Bulkhead whispers.

Voyage snorts "they are not predicons. They are draganorts. So, I would advise not to call them that. Besides there is a difference."

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