Chapter 16: It's A What Kind of Party???

Start from the beginning

Twenty minutes later Adrien and recently unmasked Marinette were standing outside two large golden gates. Pushing a code into the hidden keypad the gates creaked open as Adrien lay his hand on the base of her spine to guide her through toward the large twelve-foot double doors at the mansion entrance. "Monsieur Agreste, nice to see you sir," the butler at the door bowed toward Adrien. "Ah, John, great to be here, this is Marinette she is my blood match," Adrien introduced her. "Ah, finally got that match sir Adrien. This should be a fine night for you then, enjoy!" John stated opening the doors to allow the two to enter.

The mansion entryway was spectacular, a chandelier with thousands of diamond like crystals hung from the ceiling, causing the room to glitter throughout. That wasn't the most interesting thing Marinette saw though, in front of her was a table in all black covered with restraints, collars, leg bars, whips, ball gags, and every BDSM toy you could image. Eyes widening, she continued to take in the rest of the room. Every woman was dressed in lingerie, men in either something casual like Adrien or shirtless with tight spandex shorts. Sex swings hung from doorways, dildos and anal plugs laying on tables throughout. Marinette was pretty sure her mouth was hanging open; she had never seen anything like this before. It was a human and vampire S&M party.

Following Adrien to the bar, they sat ordering drinks waiting to watch the show that would be starting soon. "Adrien, this is an S&M party!" she whispers yelled at him. Throwing his head back he laughed, that beautiful, pure laugh she hadn't heard but only on a couple occasions. She couldn't help but smile, even if she was a bit uncomfortable. "Little mouse, you are so innocent. This is why I wasn't going to bring you, but you insisted," he continued to chuckle shaking his head, making his blond locks cover his gorgeous peridot eyes. "I mean, I'm not against this, it would have just been nice to have a little warning next time," she jokingly spat back.

Leaving the bar and finding a table in the back corner of the room, Marinette removed her robe, laying it over the back of the chair. The lights in the room began to dim until a spotlight settled on a large bed in the middle of the room. A young human girl, no older than her, dressed in an all-white lace bra and matching panty, laid on the bed in waiting.

Suddenly two men dressed head to toe in black came up to her sides grabbing one wrist each and bit her. Screaming the girl lifted from the bed, red liquid pouring from her wrists, all over the white sheets below her. Slowly one the vampires began to lower the girl's thong down her legs, while the other kissed her lips, covering them in her own blood. The sight shouldn't have been so arousing to Marinette, but she knew the heaven of the high from vampire venom. The idea of Adrien feeding from her was making her wet. As the vampire slowly progressed to the apex of the young girls' thighs, he dove in, his tongue dart out as she screamed again, this time in more pleasure than pain, Marinette felt Adrien's hand slowly rubbing his way up her leg. Within seconds he had captured the string of her thong pulling it up and pushing his hand underneath. Biting her lip, Marinette held her breath, biting her lip to stop the moan that wanted to escape, but not taking her eyes of the show in front of her.

Adrien's fingers began to separate her lips gathering her slick until he reached her entrance pushing one finger in knuckle deep, curling it up as he pulled back. "More," the whisper left Marinettes lips before she realized it, another finger joining the other inside her warm, wet pussy. Reaching her own hand to her clit she began to rub circles, adding that little extra stimulation she needed to get off. Eyes closing and respirations picking up, she came at same instance she heard another scream causing her eyes to fly open and see the vampires bite the girls again, one on her neck and other her femoral artery. The sight making her moan out slightly as she imagined the high, she would receive if it was Adrien biting her.

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