Chapter 16: It's A What Kind of Party???

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Tonight was the night; Marinette was going to the "party" that Adrien hadn't planned to invite her to. The only thing she was unsure of was the fact that Felix and Lila would be there too, but as long as Adrien was there that was what mattered most. Entering the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day Marinette continued to wonder why Adrien still refused to discuss the plans for tonight. Maybe he was disappointed that he got suckered into taking her and he really wanted to go with Kagami instead, she thought, running her hands over her body to spread the vanilla scenting body wash all over. As she continued her shower and thoughts of tonight, she heard the door to her room open and close. "Hello, Adrien is that you?" she yelled over the sound of running water hitting the shower floor. With no answer received, she shrugged and continued her routine, she would find out once she was done.

 When Marinette exited the bathroom the first thing she saw was a black garment bag laying across her bed with a note that read "For the party: WEAR ME." Obviously, Adrien was the one who entered her room, but why would he have gotten her an outfit for the party, he knows she likes to wear her own designs. Pulling the zipper on the bag slowly, a flash of red came into view and as the zipper continued down, she gasped at what lay before her. A sexy as shit set of lingerie? A red lace cheongsam covered in black roses that snapped around the neck and had an open back except for an incredibly skinny strap across the mid-back to hold it on. The front was split with bows tied at the base of the neck, breasts and above and below the belly button holding the front together while showing peek-a-boos of skin all the way down the bodice. Lastly, a string thong set under the flowing separate front and back rectangular flaps that hung to mid-thigh. It was gorgeous and screamed Asian inspired, making her love it even more because of her Chinese heritage. Squealing with excitement, Marinette started pulling on the lingerie looking in the mirror at the perfection of the fit, and how gracious it was to her bustline. The only thing missing was shoes. Turning back to the black bag, in the bottom sat a pair of four-inch black strappy heels with a bright red sole, looking as if they were made specifically for what she was wearing.

Being so incredibly excited about the beautiful outfit, Marinette didn't even ponder why she was wearing lingerie, until she was fully made up, with a black smokey eye, fire red lips and her hair in a messy bun, with two curls framing her face. Looking at herself again in the mirror, she realized that she had literally made herself out to be a snack, a vampire snack. Hair off her neck, sex appeal galore, and the sultry makeup, she was beginning to think they weren't going to a party after all. Had Adrien just decided to stay home and mess around tonight? Nah, no way, he's not even been trying to touch me the last week, plus there's Kagami," she thought with a frown. Shrugging she decided the head out of her room, maybe Adrien would finally fill her in on their plans.

As the sound of Marinette's door creaked, Adrien's head shot up from his phone. His eyes widening, taking her in. Immediately he returned his eyes down, twisting his hips slightly, to shift the crotch of his pants just a bit. "Hey Adrien, I... how do I look?" Marinette asked, pink filling her cheeks, teeth pulling back her blood red, bottom lip. She had felt so confident in the room, but seeing him there, even as he studied his phone, his strong body in a black muscle shirt and matching leather pants. Just seeing him made her want to moan at the feeling that shot between her legs. Rubbing her thighs together slightly, wasn't doing her any good, because Oh My God, how could he look that good, he most definitely could be a model. Clearing his throat, Adrien took the chance to look up again, running his eyes from the floor to Marinettes face, pausing slightly when his eyes met her bitten lip. "Mari, you look beautiful but here put this on, so you won't be as cold," handing her a black silk robe. Tying the robe around her waist Marinette looked to Adrien for the okay, but he was already waiting at the elevator door, button pressed to leave. Entering the elevator Marinette asked, "Adrien?" "Hmm, yes Princesse?" "Where are we going that I'm wearing... this," she motioned to her body, looking up to look him in the eyes. Quickly as their eyes met, Adrien's dropped again," uh. well. You will see when we get there," he chuckled giving her a small lopsided smile and placing a blindfold over her eyes.

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