~The One Piece Cast Show Us What's On Their Phones | Netflix~

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"AND 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" THE CAMERA MAN GAVE THEM A THUMBS UP as Charithra released a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Hey, we're the cast of 'One Piece'" Mackenyu spoke as the six of them looked at the camera. "We had so much fun shooting this show together, now we're about to show you some personal photos from production that we have on our phone." Taz's accent made Charithra stifle a laugh as Emily raised her phone. "What's on my phone?"

The first photo was shown on the screen as Iñaki and Emily looked at the photo with recognition on their faces. "Oh, is that?" Taz leaned closer to take a better look at the photo. "Aw, that's really cute." The photo was of Iñaki, Jacob and Peter. "That's Peter."

"Both of y'alls teeth are so white." Jacob's smile grew wider as he playfully winked at Charithra who was sitting in between him and Taz. The next photo came up as Charithra laughed remembering the day that the photo was taken. "Oh, t-that's mine. Emily actually, you gave this to me."

"You were like just so effortlessly cool, I was like 'oh, can I please take a picture, is this okay?' and then you were like..." Emily mimicked Mackenyu's action in the photo. "And then Iñaki comes right next to me." The said boy giggled as he turned behind him to look at Charithra. "And you can see Charithra behind me just laughing at something Taz said, she totally photo bombed us."

"Hey, I think I made the photo look even better." Charithra raised her hands up defensively as Iñaki chuckled. "Still childish I see." To this the actress stuck her tongue out at the younger boy who turned around and crossed his arms pretending to be mad.

A collective of 'oh's went around the room as they looked at the photo of Iñaki and Jacob during covid shooting. "Oh, the covid mask" Taz covered his face with his hand as he leaned against Charithra. "My worst nightmares." Charithra said as she pretended to console Taz. "Ohhh– okay so we shot during covid and so, we had to wear these masks every day. We were the only ones who got the mask where you could see their faces, so I started drawing little mustaches." Jacob explained as the next photo came up on the screen.

"Oh, look at Taz and Emily right there!" Iñaki pointed at the photo with excitement.

"Look at Charithra looking so mad, she was so prepared to murder us that day on set." Jacob said as Charithra looked at Jacob who winked at her.

"Oh, I remember this so clearly, it was the day we shot the scene where the crew met Sanji. I had such a terrible headache that day and you can clearly see it on my face as I'm sitting in between Jacob and Emily just resting my head on Emily's shoulder. I still remember when this photo was taken and Kiki, Iñaki, was like 'oh, you'll be better in no time.' which just led to me being even more annoyed." Iñaki looked at the camera as he whispered "Don't make Charithra mad because an angry Charithra..."

"Is a very scary Charithra." The cast finished off in sync as Charithra pouted looking at the camera. "And this is why you should never be friends with your castmates." Taz patted her shoulder before looking back at the photo on the screen. "That day was the first day I had to do any stunts on the show, and I remember being so preoccupied with going.... It was full of SAs on both floors, and everyone was looking down as it was happening. I just remember thinking, 'if you slip and fall on your ass right now.'" Emily raised her hand to her mouth trying to stifle a laugh as the next photo came up.

"Oh, look at that picture." Kiki said excitedly as he looked at Mackenyu. "Remember that day Mackenyu?" Mackenyu nodded. "Yeah. Cape Town, right?" Kiki looked at Mackenyu speaking only to him as they remembered the day. "I remember we went to have some lunch or dinner or something like that, and then we took that picture. I was so excited." Iñaki punched the air as he looked at the camera and then back at Mackenyu. "The fans were waiting for that picture, huh?"

"I know, they were all like, 'Oh, my God. They found Zoro. They found Zoro!'" Jacob laughed as Charithra tapped Taz's shoulder. Taz leaned closer to her as she whispered in his ear. "At least he wasn't lost, at this point we should just put a tracker on him."

Taz cracked up as he whispered in her ear. "I thought you kept him anchored, Lady Delilah." Charithra pressed her lips together as she tried not to smile at Taz's words. "Don't press your luck, blonde." The two of them looked back at the others as the next photo pulled up on the screen. "Oh."

"Oh, my God. Okay, so I started doing, it started with Iñaki where he would take naps in the morning in the makeup chair, and so I would take selfies while he was sleeping, and he found out, he has some of me, and then Langley, who plays Axe-Hand Morgan, ended up falling asleep and so we..." Emily was interrupted by the next photo.

"Got em'" The cast teased as Iñaki pointed to the photo. "Oh, are you kidding me? There it is." Emily laughed. The next photo came up of Taz and Iñaki. "Oh! I remember that day. I had to film this underwater scene, and Taz just out of sympathy, just decided to jump into the water, even though he didn't have to just bring me company. Like that's just the kind of guy he is, you know?" Iñaki patted Taz's shoulder as Taz laughed. "Such a Taz-y move."

The next photo came up quickly as Charithra looked at the photo and playfully glared at Taz. "Now, this is such a Taz-y move." The photo was of Charithra who was eating a wrap with the sauce running down her lips and Taz who was pretending to take a bite of her wrap with Iñaki giving a thumbs up as he took the photo. "Oh, this is my favorite photo."

"Basically, I had missed my breakfast that day and after shooting like I don't know how or like when, but Mackenyu had brought me my lunch like this guy, he waited for like an hour or so in a queue just to bring me some food because he found out I hadn't eaten all day." Mackenyu chuckled as he tilted his head to look at Charithra. "Yeah, I just wanted to make sure she ate. Like we said, a mad Charithra is a very scary Charithra."

"And then we have Taz who came to check if I did eat with Kiki tagging along" Rubbing the goosebumps off her skin Charithra gave Jacob a high five. "Oh, you guys look so cute."

The next photo came up as Mackenyu spoke up. "Oh, I remember this day." The photo was of Mackenyu, who was in his white shirt and black pants with his three earrings and Zoro's black bandana tied around his bicep, and Charithra who was in the cream gown Delilah wore in the last episode as they were out in the city.

In the photo Mackenyu held the bag up as Charithra stood next to him on her tiptoes with the city lights behind them. "Charithra and I, this was on one of the last days on set, and we decided to head out to buy dinner for everyone and we were still in our like dressing outfits of Zoro and Delilah and basically a lot of people stared at us."

Bouncing her leg Charithra nodded as she felt a hand on her knee. Looking up she met Taz's gaze as he squeezed her knee reassuringly. "Calm down, love." Trying to think of something else Charithra intertwined her fingers with Taz's fiddling with the rings on his finger.

The next photo caused the cast to collectively cheer. "Aww, look at us."

Charithra looked away from Taz as she realized it was a video. The video was of Charithra in Delilah's cream-colored gown sword fighting with Mackenyu as they saw Iñaki and Jacob in the corner of the video with water guns. "3, 2, 1... Go, go go!!" They could hear Emily say as Iñaki and Jacob started shooting water with their water guns at an unsuspecting Mackenyu and Charithra.

"Oh, no you don't." The camera shifted slightly as Emily moved it a little to show Taz who was attacking Iñaki and Jacob. "I will save you, my dear mosshead" They could hear Charithra protest at the use of the nickname 'mosshead' as Taz then turned the water gun towards her, and the video ended there.

"Thank you all so much for watching and check out 'One Piece' only on Netflix." Emily said as the interview ended there. "And that's a wrap!" The camera man shouted as the cast cheered.


Let me know if you want more cast interviews with Charithra involved or not. And if you guys are against the idea then I'll delete it from the story. :)

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