race day

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I roll out of bed and remember it's race day as my alarms going off. This is my home race. And all I want to do right now is leave.

It takes me about an hour to find the energy to get ready and get to the McLaren pit to start warming up for the race. "How is my star boy doing this morning" Zak says swinging an arm round my shoulder. I force a smile, "Yeah all good. All ready." I say subtly brushing his arm off. He walks around to face me, "It's about Sasha." He says sighing. I shoot him a look and then sigh nodding. He puts both arms on my shoulder and stares to me, "Lando. Your a formula one driver. Your going to smash your home race. You need to put this aside please." He says. I nod and walk off back to the motorhome. As I enter I see Sasha sat down, she's definitely not slept well. I don't sit next to her. She's hurt me too many times.

"Good luck for the race today" she says softly. I turn to face her and scoff, "Yeah whatever" before pulling out my phone. She gets up and sits down next to me putting her hands on my thighs, "Lando your gonna be ok. I need to go home. And you need to stay here" she says scanning my eyes. I can feel a tear welling up and I wipe it away. "Fuck off" I say under my breath. She sighs, "Lando you can't hate me forever, this is my decision and you need to respect it" she says. I look to her pleadingly, "Sash I don't hate you. I love you. And you've broken my heart. So stop fucking playing with me" I say. Her eyes drop to the floor and I see tears falling down her cheeks, "And you hurt me." She says before getting up. I let her leave the motorhome. I don't even chase after her.

I get myself prepared for the race. Pushing myself to the limit with the testing and warm ups. I'm fucking so angry at everything right now.

I walk up to my car as the race is beginning in 5 minutes and I jump in. Putting my headphones in and listening to the music. I can see on the sidelines Sasha is watching me. I don't care. I want this for myself. No one else. The formation lap begins and I get myself familiar with the track again.

We line up in our positions. And the red lights count down. Lights out and away we go.

It's lap 10 already and I'm P3. I've made it up this far. I can win this.

Suddenly at lap 32 max crashes into Lando leaving me P1. I race so fast taking all the risks up until the finish line.

P1. I did it. I can't believe it. I scream down the headset to my engineer, I'm so fucking over the moon right now. I position my car in the P1 spot and jump out. Running to Max and hug him right. I see my parents and my mums crying as she hugs me and tells me how proud she is of me. As I'm making my way to the podium Sasha runs after me.

"Lando I'm so proud of you" she pulls me in for a hug. I squeeze her tightly. It's a goodbye hug. I know it is. I don't even stop myself or think straight as I kiss her deeply pulling her up into my arms. Neither of us think this through we're just in the moment. It's a proper goodbye. I swing her round and hug her so tight. "Thank you for everything Sash I'm gonna really miss you" I say as she's crying in my arms. "I'm gonna miss you too" she says through sniffs.

I make my way up the podium and everyone I love is staring back at me as I'm given the trophy. This is the best day of my life. And the worst. Max has planned a whole party for me tonight and the McLaren shed is buzzing as they all hug me and congratulate me.

A couple of hours pass as Oscar comes up to me, "Sash is leaving Lando. We're leaving. I'll see you in a couple weeks mate I'm so proud of you" he says giving me a hug. I register finally what he's said and run to find Sasha.

She's stood handing the driver her bags. She turns to face me. And it feels like slow motion as we're walking towards each other.

"I guess this is goodbye" she says. I force a smile and wrap her up in my arms. We stand for a moment. Just taking  in the moment and feeling each others presence is enough. "Please don't go" I say through tears. She lets out a small laugh before wiping away her tears as well. "Goodbye Lando" she says kissing my cheek and getting into the car. "I love you" I whisper slightly as I watch her drive away. I just wish she was here to have this moment with me. I wish I never fucked this up.

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