-well be a fine line-

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I roll over and George cuddles me. Long day yesterday. I still need to go back to Lando's and explain everything. I just feel so guilty.
"Morning girlfriend" George says looking at me
I force a smile. "Morning boyfriend"
He looks at me concerned now, he sighs, "You want to go home and talk to Lando?" He asks. I nod slowly. He smile, "Sash it's ok, cmon" he leads me out of bed and we both get dressed.
I take a jumper out of George's room and slide it on, he smiles to me, "Your so damn beautiful Sash". I smile back at him and give him a cuddle.

We just hold each other for a moment, he whispers in my ear, "You ready to go?" He says. I nod and he passes me my things before we leave.

When we reach his car the guilt hits me, "George I'm so sorry. I just need to explain everything to him. I still really want to be with you. Nothings changed" I say. He smiles to me, "Sash I know. I trust you. With all my heart."

It only takes about 10 minutes before we reach the hotel, he drops me off outside and tells me that he'll pick me up when I message him. I smile and give him a peck, before walking inside.

I greet the receptionist and nervously make my way to the lift, clicking the top floor. I just feel so guilty. I really like George but I need to explain to Lando so quickly, it will be bad for my job if I don't.

Once the elevator reaches the floor, I slide out. I walk anxiously to the door and slide my keycard through before coming inside.

When I see the mess all over the floor and everywhere. My heart sinks. There's a bottle of wine smashed to the floor. I can hear the shower running so I guess he's in there. I grab some gloves and start clearing up the mess. It doesn't take me long. I pick up his clothes off the floor and fold them into the wardrobe. I notice something on the bed. It's one of my T-shirts. I walk over and pick it up. Has he slept with it? My heart is breaking right now. I don't know why I feel this way. I shouldn't.

The door swings open to the bathroom and Lando walks out. His eyes are red. There's a bruise on the side of his face. What's happened. "What are you doing here" he says shakily. I look at the mess he's in right now up and down, "Lando what happened last night" I say sighing. He shakes his head, "No nothing" he goes to cover the bruise on his face. When he checks the room and the mess has been cleared up he bows his head. "Sasha" he says hurt. I look at him, "Sasha. I" he pauses unsure what to say. I walk up to him and run my hand over the bruise. "Lando" I say sighing. He looks to me, "Sasha I got in a fight I guess. Just some local drunken" he says finally.

"Lando. The wine bottle?" I say questioning. He bows his head again, "Yeah I got drunk and I was mad and it just happened I guess" he breathes out embarrassed. I lift his head up and put both hands on his cheeks. "Lando I'm so sorry" I say. My eyes are tearing up and I don't know why. "Sasha it's fine honestly" he says lying to me. More tears fall, "No Lando it's not. You planned a whole lovely day for me. I couldn't even see that you I don't know. Do you have feelings for me?" I say scanning his eyes. "Honestly?" He replies. I nod. "Sasha I think I'm in love with you" he says. I take a step back. In love. He's in. In love with me? I go to walk away and pace the room but he chases after me pulling me into his arms, "Sasha please. Talk to me" he says holding me. I just break down in tears and he pulls me to him putting his head on mine. "Lando I'm dating George I don't know what to say" I say into his arms.

"Sasha just please tell me there's nothing here and you don't want me and I'll never try anything again" he says pulling me closer to him. "Lando I can't" I say crying now. He takes a step back. I sigh, "I can't deny there's feelings here. But I also have feelings for George and I don't know what to do" I say upset. He leans in close to me, "Kiss me" he says. I know I shouldn't. But my actions don't follow what I feel, I lean into him and kiss him softly. He kisses me back before breaking away. "Sasha I don't want to sit and watch you with George. I can't do it to myself" he says shaking his head. I nod, "Lando I know" I say. I kiss him again, this time deeper. He pulls me back into him so we're practically snuggling up to each other kissing passionately. "Lando" I moan into the kiss. He grabs my ass and squeezes it gently. I kiss him harder. He pulls me onto the bed with him until I'm on top of him kissing him. His hand is on my ass and he squeezes it again this time harder before slapping it. I moan into his kiss again.

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