Do you think I will dare to make the person, who taught me how to be really happy, cry like this? The day I make you cry purposefully will be the end of my life ku.....

He was abruptly stopped by Kushi's hand on his mouth

Don't speak like that.

He smiled at this caring person in his embrace with much more love in his heart. How come he is so fortunate to get such a golden hearted girl as his wife

Kissing her palm which is on his mouth he took her hand in to his one hand and while tracing her cheek with the other hand he spoke with all the love in his heart

Thank you so much Kushi for entering into my life and making me so fortunate to have a wife like you. In any relationship it requires equal effort from both the spouses to make the marriage successful. I know in this relationship you only did the whole part inspite of my least interest in this relationship.

Thank you very much for being so patient with me and tolerating all my arrogance.

Thank you for being so kind in understanding my inner turmoils and confusion and giving me my space and not rushing things

Thank you for being such a good friend to not give me any slack and telling it so straight forwardly on my face where I am going wrong any correcting all my miss conceptions

Thank you for being there for me whenever I feel low and confused to show me the right direction and giving me the confidence that you are there for me

Thank you for bringing that inner child in me where I am so carefree with you not worrying about anything in the world

Thank you for marrying me Kushi,and I don't think I can thank you enough for bringing our relationship to this level of comfortableness. If it's someone else in your place they would have just left me to my fate and I would still be stuck in my past sulking somewhere.

Thank you for being that ray of happiness in my life and making me come out of darkness and introducing a new me to myself. Thank you.

Kushi was so touched hearing his heartfelt thank yous. More than his words the sincerity  and appreciation for her that held in his eyes touch her heart much more. Unable to compose herself she just hugged him so strongly which is equally reciprocated by Arnav

No need to thank me Arnav. This institution of marriage is so beautiful that it can even make two strangers into soulmates. What I did is nothing because I always believed that in marriage either both of us win or both of  us fail. There's nothing like you win and I fail or you fail and I win. So how can I just see both of us failing without giving what's all in us to make this marriage work? Moreover you are such an understanding husband who understood me and given your own efforts to make this marriage work. So thank you to you too

Saying this she kissed him on his forehead followed by his both cheeks

To make the atmosphere lighter and to change the topic he again uttered the same infamous words

Haww! How can you just kiss me like that? Don't you have any shame?

But this time Kushi took it in a sportive way and to his delight she replied

Why? Why should I feel ashamed to kiss my own husband that too in such a private place like in our  own bedroom? Haq banta hai mera to kiss you hug you and do much more than that. Samjhe aapne.....

Saying this she kissed his whole face and at last getting a little courage she looked directly into his eyes and quickly pecked his lips and hid herself in his chest.

Arnav was already lost in lala land hearing her exercising her right on him and then her peppering kisses all over his face. But what he didn't except was that quick peck on his lips. Feeling her soft rosy lips on his rough ones he froze for a second but quickly coming out of shock he nudged Kushi to look at him.

But Kushi being Kushi she didn't even budge. She suddenly felt so shy to look at Arnav so she just stayed in his embrace gluing her face to his chest. So not having any other option, Arnav flipped their positions. Now kushi laying beneath Arnav.

Understanding his intentions Kushi just wound her hands around his neck and tightened the hug so that she could avoid showing her face but our Arnav is no less so he started kissing on her neck.

Feeling his lips on her neck tingled Kushi's senses. She started breathing heavily and automatically her clutch on Arnav's shirt got tightened. Arnav's hands started roaming on her waist and back which is making her whole body on fire.

Unknown to her a moan escaped her mouth which in turn encouraged Arnav to give more kisses, so he started giving butterfly kisses on her shoulder blade which made her much more breathless.

He brought his face to her cleavage and gave a long kiss there. She is so lost in his kisses that she didn't realize when her hold became lose and Arnav came face to face with her

Not feeling his kisses she came out of daze and opened her eyes only to find Arnav looking at her with so much of love and appreciation in his eyes.

She was about to hide her face again in his embrace but clearly knowing her intentions he didn't let her escape this time.

Holding her both hands in his captive he spoke to her softly but because of their state it came out more dominantly

Look at me Kushi......

Hearing his dominant tone made Kushi feel something in her tummy. But she was adamant not to open her eyes and look at him.

Not having so much patience Arnav brought both her hands on top of her head and arrested her both hands in his one large hand and then using his free hand he lifted her chin to come face to face with Kushi and this time he uttered so lovingly and gently

Please open your eyes and look at me Kushi, please....

Hearing his request she opened her eyes and looked at him shyly. The position they were in and all the ministrations of Arnav is making her breath heavily. Seeing her bosoms heaving up and down Arnav lost all the control and crashed his lips with her.

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