First impressions

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A person is searching for his purse. He clearly remember putting his purse in his back pocket after with drawing the money in the ATM. What happened then? Where did I lost it? God I just withdrew 20K today itself. Did I really lost it.

Dammit he kicked his bike tire out of frustration

Are you looking for this? A beautiful melodious voice reached his ears

He turned back to see a beautiful girl in white dress who is looking so ethereal. He was lost in her beauty but came to this world because of her question again

Excuse me, are you looking for your purse?

He became angry on himself for getting lost in her beauty. He thought he is cheating his love (ex gf) by getting attracted to this girl and hence just blasted on her rudely

How the hell you got hold of my purse? He roughly snatched it from her hands and checked the contents of the purse. He was relieved that the money is intact. Then he sat on his bike and was about to start his bike but the girl snatched his bike keys away.

The girl who was initially shocked for his rude behavior composed herself and seeing him leave without even thanking her just snatched away the keys with out any second thoughts

What the..... how dare you? Just give my keys back dammit he roared like a lion

Though she felt intimidated still she kept a brave face and spoke with immense courage

You will come to know about my dare later but how MANNERLESS are you to just walk away with out even thanking the other person who got your purse safely back to you. On top of that you have audacity to bark at me

He was completely shocked at her words

Excuse me? BARK...? What do you mean by bark? Do I look like a dog to you? He is becoming all red due to his anger and ready to burst out like a volcano. He is always a very impatient person and this girl is just getting on his nerves today.

Just say thanks and I will give your keys back, she asked after crossing her arms at her chest as she also doesn't want to prolong this

Ok thank you 🙏 enough he said gritting his teeth. He doesn't want to lash out on this girl but she is not helping either so he thought of just getting done with her.

Enough, anyway I can't expect a sorry from you Mr rude and arrogant so I am happy with your thanks saying this she just handed him the keys and left from there as fast as she can.

God she is calling me rude and arrogant. Then what she is? She is such an irritating and annoying person. Spoiled my whole mood.

This is how their first meeting happened. Then let us see how their second meeting went

It's an auspicious day and as usual the temples are fully crowded and every one is waiting in the line to get the darshan of the Lord. Suddenly someone has cut the line and directly went inside the temple bribing the person guarding the door there

Seeing this our lady is so infuriated that even she barged back of him to give him a good lesson

Excuse me she shouted at his back

Hearing her voice the person just closed his eyes out of frustration thinking not again. So he just ignored her and started walking again but stunned to see her right infront of her now with a shocked expression

That girl became much angrier seeing the person royally ignoring her and walking away from her so she just ran and stood infront of him but got shocked seeing the same arrogant fellow right infront of her

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