Chapter 11 ♡

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A/N: Just a small note, this part will be akutagawas pov of the day Atsushi realised he liked Akutagawa just incase youre confused on why they arent at the bar lol

Akutagawas POV:

I had just left Atsushis house after making up an excuse about how Gin needed me.. that obviously wasnt true, I left because I needed to speak to someone about everything. right now.

And thats how I ended up a chuuyas house, I knocked at his door even though he was expecting me because I had messaged him frantically before hand. I heard the door lock click and then the door open. "You can just come in you know, you do have a key after all"

'My keys...right. I forgot them at Atsushis' I thought sighing and slapping myself mentally, taking a mental note to go back after I finished talking with chuuya.

We were now in Chuuyas livingroom and unfortunately for me.. Dazai was here aswell. "So what do you want to talk about?" Chuuya asked waiting patiently as I gathered my thoughts.

"Theres something wrong with me, everytime im around Atsushi I feel ill and I want to run away but at the same time I want to be with him all the time? Im so confused." I said in one breathe not looking Chuuya in the eye. Then I heard the both laughing, why were they laughing? This is serious! I could be dying??

"You like Atsushi-kun romantically~" Dazai-san said in a somewhat teasing manner while Chuuya slapped him on the wrist, whispering to him a quick "dont tease the poor boy."

"Like? Atsushi? Romantically????" I asked in a definitely not calm tone, right now I was freaking out. I mean, ive never liked someone romantically.. like ever!

I quickly stood up and left, I needed fresh air so I decided to go on a walk. I remembered that I needed to go fetch my keys from Atsushis studio so I started going the direction to said studio, walking at a pace you could consider jogging.

When I had arrived he was sat at his easle staring at a painting I can only presume is the one he had started earlier was complete. His skills are beyond my comprehension.

I leaned on the door frame waiting a bit as I didnt want to startle him with my sudden reappearance but then I heard him mutter, "hes beautiful." I smirked at this before speaking up.

"Yes I am, arent I?" He seemed to jump out of his skin before whipping his head round to look at me, I was honestly surprised he didnt get whiplash from that..

He seemed hesitant for a moment but before long he asked what I was doing here and I told him that I was there to collect something.. however I couldn't get something out of my mind..

Did he blush when he saw me? Or was that my imagination..?

After getting my keys I left and headed back to Chuuyas place but when I got there I was basically dragged back out again.

When we arrived at the bar my eyes instantly went to were Atsushi was, he seemed surprised, was he not expecting me and Chuuya? Did Dazai not tell him we were coming? The question answered its self because only two seconds later Dazai-san was tell Atsushi that he hopped he didnt mind us being there..not surprised.

Atsushi looked nervous before getting up and taking dazai aside, I couldnt help but feel worried.. did he not want us there? But obviously I played it off by shrugging to the shorter male next to me as we went to get drinks and sit down.

Word count:624

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this part, have a good day/night !

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