Chapter 8 ♡

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Atsushis POV:

We were now in Akutagawas room, it was very tidy. I looked around admiring little details.. his room had black wallpaper on three of the four walls and then the last wall had a black and red patterned wallpaper. I looked around a little more, on one of the walls there was a mirror that went from floor to ceiling and next to that his wardrobe then up against the patterned wall was his bed that had simple black bedding on it and... his cat!

"Oh my god, is that rashomon?" I asked looking at the cat as it looked back at me. He was adorable "Yes, he tends to sleep in my room when it isnt occupied." Akutagawa said walking over and picking up Rashomon before walking over to me. "Here you can hold him, be careful though he doesn't tend to like people" After he said this I gently took him into my arms, petting him slowly.

To Akutagawas surprise the cat purred looking content in my arms. "Seems like he likes you, Rashomon doesnt even like chuuya.." I smiled at the cat in my arms and then at Akutagawa. "So.. am I sleeping on the floor?" I asked. Ryunosuke shook his head.

"No ill sleep on the floor, you can sleep in my bed"

3rd person POV:

Atsushi then denied that and said he'd sleep on the floor to which the black haired man sighed and said they can both sleep in the bed as it is big enough for the both of them.

After agreeing on this despite the silver haired mans refusals, they both got changed ready to head to bed.

They were now both laying down looking at eachother, talking more about things. Atsushi told Akutagawa about the multiple dreams he had, had and how each played out but stopped talking suddenly which concerned the older. He asked if Atsushi was alright but to his surprise he didnt recieve a reply but rather he saw the other blushing.

Akutagawa put his hand to the others forehead stating that he was burning up and once again asking if he was alright, Atsushi replied after a few minutes saying he was fine and that he was just thinking but this didnt stop Akutagawa prying.

Akutagawas POV:

"What were you thinking about that caused you to burn up, hm?" I asked smirking at the reaction I got out of Atsushi. "Ah..! uh.. nothing, nothing at all!" He said looking away from me, I shuffled closer to him and moved his head so he would look at me. "Are you sure about that..?~"

This time it was my turn to laugh as I looked at Atsushis face, his eyes blown wide open, his face bright red. He was honestly so adorable. I reached a hand out to cup his face. "That was quite the reaction to a simple question, Atsushi" At this his breath hitched and he turned to face away from me quickly, hiding his face in the palms of his hands.

"You do realise I can still see you.. The mirrors right there" I said pointing towards the mirror. "Shut up.." was all I heard from him.

I chuckled a bit, "Alright, alright. Ill leave you to your thoughts" with that I closed my eyes whispering a quick "good night" to Atsushi before falling asleep.

(Time skip to the next morning 🤞)

3rd Person POV:

Atsushi is more of a morning person then Akutagawa and because of this he was the first awake. He sat up in the bed and looked around noticing a clock he'd missed before when he was distracted by Rashomon.

'7:30' the clock read, sighing Atsushi got up and went to get changed, putting on the clothes he had on the day before. After that he left Akutagawas room and looked around for the kitchen, where he found Gin.

"Good morning" Atsushi said as he walked into the kitchen as if it were his own, Gin looked up from her phone "Oh. Morning" They replied looking back down at her phone.

"If you dont mind me asking, where do you keep the glasses?" The tiger boy asked to which Gin pointed to one of the cupboards. Smiling and saying a quick thank you Atsushi got two glasses and filled them with water, then headed back to the black hair boys room.

Akutagawas POV:

I was woken up by Atsushi, I looked at the time '7:45'. "Why are you awake so early?" I asked and he shrugged back "Im usually awake early.." there was a hint of uneasiness to Atsushis tone as he said that but I shook it off with it being because he was in someone elses house.

"I see" I said as he handed me a glass of water, I thanked him before taking a sip and placing to the side. "So what do you wish to do today?" I asked.

"Hm I was thinking about going home to paint because I haven't done that in a while.. but my dreams barely occur anymore so I have no motivation to do so" Atsushi looked down at the floor but that was until he got an idea. Atsushi raised his head to look at me.

"Why are you smiling like that? you look stupid." I said, what I wasnt expecting him to say was,

"Will you model for me?"


Word count: 903

A/N: Hey yall sorry for the late update, ive had a lot of studying to do for mock exams and tests and whatever, school is ridiculous sometimes but the new chapter is here (am I posting this at 1:20am...definitely not) 🤩

Sorry not sorry for the slight cliffhanger that im leaving you on lmao. ;)

Might post again on Saturday because I missed last Wednesdays update but that will be decided by school work and wether I have the time to edit the next part.

Also I was thinking about doing bonus parts once I finish this fanfic, the bonus parts being what you wish to see i.e. wedding, little dates ect, what do you think abt that idea?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part. Good night/day :)

P.s. If you see any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes feel free to comment on them so I can fix it or if something doesnt entirely make sense to you ask me to explain and I will when I get the chance :)

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