Halloween Special!

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A/N: Hey! I just wanted to quickly remind you that this short part is not part of the actual story, but rather a short bonus part for Halloween! With that out of the way.. Enjoy!

3rd Person POV:

It was Halloween at around 19:30(7:30pm) and Atsushi was finishing decorating his house as he waited patiently for a certain someone to arrive..

There was a knock at the door and the young man ran for the door opening it within a split second and embracing his loved one.

"Good to see you too" Akutagawa said as he returned the hug, smiling. Atsushi then pulled back, taking Akutagawas hand in his and pulling him towards the living room where there was freshly baked cookies set out on a tray, with decorating stuff such as icing, sprinkles etc... Also sat in the livingroom was Byakko who was wearing a pumpkin costume, against her will ofcourse.

After Akutagawa had finished admiring the decorations around the room and the set up Atsushi had made he joined the younger on the floor, sitting side by side smiling at each other they silently agreed and started decorating the cookies.

Some time had passed and there was sprinkles all over the floor, icing on both of their faces and so on, but they had finished the cookies and were now enjoying them in silence. After they cleaned up a bit.

"Okay lets carve the pumpkins now!" Atsushi said excitedly jumping up from where he sat running through to his kitchen and bringing the pumpkins and tools to the livingroom in an instant.

They both spent a while searching the Internet for inspiration images before settling on the designs. They then sat at opposite sides, hiding their pumpkins from view of the other before starting their carving

Atsushi had marked out a design of the cat Marie from 'The Aristocats' as it reminded him of Byakko. He then started carving and scraping at the pumpkin.

As for Akutagawa he chose a simple face design as he was no artist like the younger. He finished way before Atsushi and sat there admiring his beloved at work.

Soon enough Atsushi finished his pumpkin and they turned their pumpkins to show eachother while exchanging compliments.

After this they decided to sit and watch someone movies, they decided on the Five nights at Freddys movie first, getting it set up before heading to get snacks.

They sat cuddled close together, exchanging kisses every so often and changing their laying position.

They stayed up "watching" movies for a good few hours before deciding to go to bed.

They fell asleep smiling after a good evening and night.

Word count: 444

A/N: Hey sorry for not updating in the past week, ive been busy with even more tests again but ive passed my english and almost passed my history (The two that im doing tests for) so hopefully there will be weekly updates again.

Sorry that this is also quite small, im currently lacking motivation but wanted to get a small part out for you all..

Im hoping to possibly update again on Saturday because i did miss last weeks update, it would be a continuation of the original timeline.

But aside from that, i hope you enjoyed this Halloween special and have a good day/night!

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