Chapter 10 ♡

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Atsushis POV:

"I like Akutagawa...oh god."

Oh no. I thought, panicing slightly. I mean ive only known him for a couple of days if you dont count the dreams.. Hes going to hate me.

I sat down staring at the painting, my thoughts coming to a hault as I look at it. "Hes beautiful.." I muttered to myself, but what I wasnt expecting was..

"Yes I am, arent I?" I whipped my head round quickly and saw Akutagawa standing in the door frame, smirking. I could feel myself blushing. I took a moment to collect myself; "Why are you here?" I managed to get out quickly.

"Oh I forgot something, Ill only be a moment and then ill leave you to your daydreaming" He said still with that sly smirk on his face. "I wasnt daydreaming!" I said and he hummed in reply before saying "whatever you say, Atsushi." before walking past me to grab whatever he had forgotten.

After he collected it, he left leaving me to my thoughts once more...

"I need to call dazai." I said searching my pockets for my phone, dialling his number, hearing it ring for a bit before I heard "Atsushi-kun~ Do you need anything?" I was silent for a moment trying to think of how to word what I wanted to say.. "Can we meet up? At a bar maybe?"

"Wow~ Atsushi-kun asking me to go to the bar and not vice versa? I would never miss such an opportunity like this! Okayy" I sighed, its not that uncommon that he has to make such a commotion. I regret this already.

3rd Person POV:

Soon enough Atsushi had reached the pub, going in and sitting down waiting for dazai. It wasnt long before the obnoxious brunette entered the bar with two other people..

Atsushi mentally slapped himself for not telling dazai to come alone because now Akutagawa was here. "Atsushi-kun!~ Hope you dont mind but I invited Chuuya and he insisted Akutagawa-kun comes with."

"I dont mind at all but.. can we speak privately..outside?" The youngest replied taking Dazais arm and dragging him outside not taking no for an answer, leaving the other two to shrug and go sit down at a table.

"Ah! No need to be so harsh Atsushi-kun!" Atsushi rolled his eyes at the childish adult. "Okay so I kinda need your advice on something.." He said and saw Dazai already smirking at the younger.

"Is this about Akutagawa?" The younger froze when he heard this and just stood there staring at the older.. "How'd you know?" He asked, it was now dazais turn to stare...with a deadpan face that is.

"Oh I dont know, maybe because you dream about him, paint him, talk with him, met up with him and SLEPT AT HIS HOUSE???" He said counting on his fingers and making bizarre faces.

Atsushis POV:

I mean he has a point... wait what did he say..? "wait wait did you know I slept over at his house?" I said confused because I hadnt uttered a word to him about it.

"Oh, Akutagawa told Chuuya and then Chuuya told me like maybe.. 5 hours ago?".. 5 hours ago? Like around the time when he left saying he had to get home to his sister?

"Ah I see, Well anyway.. yes it is infact about Akutagawa.. How do I ask him out?"

"Oh dont worry, I already have the perfect plan!~"


Word count:583

A/N: Hey yall, I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I apologise once again for the sort of late ish post I was busy with some personal things but thats besides the point. I just wanted to say that next week wont have a proper part posted but rather a "Halloween special"? It will basically consist of SSKK doing cute Halloween stuff I.E. Carving pumpkins, baking cookies, dressing up and watching scary movies. However dont worry the following week will have the actual continuation of the proper story line, well up until Christmas and then there will be a "Christmas special"?

Thats all I have to say, Good night/day!

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