My brows raised. Hunter's tone lowered. "Ava. Not. Now."

The woman must've known that tone. She took a step aside and looked at me properly. A small frown tugged down her eyebrows, as if she was debating where she'd seen me before. Long black lashes fluttered around her hazel eyes, before she gave her attention back to Hunter. "Okay. But we need to talk. The thing with Scott Milton is getting out of hand."

The woman, Ava, gave me another look and strutted away.


"Your PR agent?" I guessed. Ava had now stopped and was talking to one of the older men. He looked vaguely familiar.


"Is the thing with Scott giving you trouble?" I asked. "I could talk to him if you want."

"It's mostly speculations. Scott has nothing to do with it. It'll die down."

He plucked my gym bag from my hand. "Come on. I'll show you the locker rooms."

We walked across the space towards the doors behind the boxing rings, leading to the other space.

"Hey, Jamison."

"What's up, Jamison."


Several people greeted him, throwing me looks right after. Hunter just responded with polite nods.

"Do you know everyone?" I asked when we walked through the door to the next room. It was occupied by all kinds of gym equipments, from treadmills to stair masters to weight lifting stations.

"They know me," Hunter mumbled. "I don't think it's the same. I've only been coming here for a few months."

I nodded. We reached a hallway with several facilities. Hunter dropped me off into the women's locker room. I got in, slipped off my sweater and pulled on a white tank top over my sports bra. The locker rooms were clean. Crispy white walls and glossy wooden lockers. Bright lights. Private changing rooms with mirrors and hairdryers. The sound of a shower deeper beyond the lockers.

I tightened my ponytail, grabbed my boxing gloves and my hand wraps, and hit the door.

Hunter was still waiting. I'd assumed he'd go back to training. The only change was his gloves. He'd ditched the half-finger gloves of the MMA fights. Black boxing gloves were tied over his shoulders.

He took my pink boxing gloves.

"Thanks," I said, and began wrapping my hands.

"How long since you've seen Steve?" he asked as we made our way back.

"A year or so. He's no longer in the gym," I said, smiling at the thought of the old man. He was still going strong. But after his doctor warned him about stressing his heart out too much, Emma had guilt tripped him into quitting and moving with her and Brandon down south.

"Stefan and Lia got married," Hunter said.

"How did you know?" I asked. We came to a stop by the treadmills. Hunter's eyes flitted away.

"I've met Stefan a few months ago. By accident."

I frowned. My brother hadn't said anything. He must not have told Lia, because that girl would've told me as soon as it happened.

"I'll wrap your right hand," Hunter said.

I moved my hand away. "I can do my right hand. I've been doing this before you."

He cracked a smile. "You're the one who taught me how to do it."

I chuckled. "I should brag about it. I was the one who taught the champion how to wrap his hands."

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