Chapter 2 : Guilt

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「 ✦ 𝓔𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 ✦ 」

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Dan manages to compose himself and replies to Jaekyung by saying that he made a mistake.

He is also surprised by the heat of Jaekyung's muscular body and wonders how Jaekyung feels.

Kim Dan thinks that he must apologize to Jaekyung after the session is over. He needs to keep calm at this moment and keep on .

As Dan continued working on Jaekyung's body, he felt a wave of heat flowing from Jaekyung's perfect muscular body to him.

Dan's mind was flooded with thoughts of Jaekyung's well-shaped body, like how his muscles flexed with every movement, how his abs glistened with sweat, and how his hard abs were hidden beneath his smooth skin.

Dan was so captivated by Jaekyung's attractiveness and physique that he forgot about his professional boundaries and started to feel sexual desire for Jaekyung.

This wave of feelings came crashing down on him and he didn't know how to deal with it. All he could think of was how it felt to touch Jaekyung's abs and massage his muscles.

In order to control his urges, Dan tried to focus on Jaekyung's injury and work more professionally. But the more he touched Jaekyung, the more he felt attracted to him.

Dan didn't know what to do, and couldn't wait for the session to end so that he could leave and let out all of his suppressed feelings.

Finally the session ended, and Dan gave Jaekyung an apology for his inappropriate act.

Jaekyung took the apology but said nothing. Dan quickly left the room and went back to his own space to release all the energy that he had saved up and to reflect on his interactions with Jaekyung.

Dan felt guilty for not controlling himself and for making a mistake in front of Jaekyung. But at the same time, he felt good that he got to touch the gorgeous Jaekyung's toned body.

After he finally got back home, Dan started to feel the weight of guilt for touching Jaekyung.

He remembered his mistake and how he lost control of himself. Dan was frustrated with himself for giving in to his urges and felt guilty for crossing a professional boundary.

He was also afraid of what Jaekyung might think of him after what happened.

Dan was feeling conflicted about these emotions and felt bad for what he did. He was so obsessed with Jaekyung and his attractive body that he forgot about the professional line that shouldn't be crossed.

With these conflicting feelings, Dan sat down and thought about his experience with Jaekyung. He realized that he was in love with Jaekyung and was amazed by his body.

He thought about how it felt to touch Jaekyung's skin and massage his muscles.

But he also realized that Jaekyung was a tough fighter and probably wouldn't be interested in romance.

Dan was feeling more and more conflicted about his feelings for Jaekyung and his mistake. He didn't know what to do.

"Oh god, what was i thinking."

Dan said to himself, as he thought back to the moment he caressed Jaekyung. He could still feel the heat left on his hand and it made him want to do it again.

He felt guilty, but at the same time he was so attracted to that powerful and perfect body next to him. He wanted to touch it again. He couldn't deny it anymore and knew it had to be wrong of him to think like that. He felt guilty but also had to face the fact that he was turned on.

Dan tried to ignore these emotions and thoughts but he couldn't stop himself from being mesmerized by those perfect abs and muscles on Jaekyung. Even though he tried to deny it, he knew deep down he wanted to do it again.

But he was also scared that Jaekyung would be angry at him for his actions. He started to become more anxious, while he  couldn't just stop thinking about Jaekyung's body.

"No, stop it."

Dan couldn't stop from thinking about touching those abs and those perfect muscles that were so alluring. He tried to force himself to think about something else but his mind kept wanting to think about Jaekyung.

Dan felt guilty and frustrated, since he couldn't seem to control his feelings and his thoughts.

He looked down at his hand, which had touched those perfect abs and which was also the reason for his current state.

Dan finally decided to take a shower, hoping that it will help him clean his head. As the water ran down, Dan's mind started to race again with images of Jaekyung's abs flashing in his mind. He felt even more guilty by thinking of Jaekyung in such a lustful way, but he couldn't deny that he wanted to do it again.

His guilt only grew, but his desire to touch Jaekyung's muscular body kept increasing.

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