2. Relationship Goals

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Ankoku's POV:

"Ankoku? Ankoku!" Came a voice I recognised all too well. She better not have. This is worse than I thought it was. When I didn't respond I felt a pair of lips of mine, and I have never despised myself more. I shouldn't be allowing this to happen, but I have no willpower to fight it. The person parted, and I opened my eyes, only to be met with a pair of ocean blue ones. Our little prodigy. Sora Keen. I stared at him, confused. I mean, it could be worse. At least I wasn't given a woman. I just don't swing that way. He chuckled, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I'm just as confused as you are. You're usually the first one who's up trying to do this."

"Yeah..." My voice quivered, and it didn't quite sound right as I continued to stare at him, still confused about what was happening. Sure, I wasn't thrilled about the idea of what I'm assuming is me being in a relationship with him, but this could be so much worse. I'm almost excited for this. I just hope he's all I have to deal with, because I won't be kind to any of them, and it could ruin everything for me.

Sora's brow knotted in concern as he took my hand and caressed the back of it with his thumb. This isn't even plausible. He would have never wanted to go out with me. What happened to keep it realistic so it would hurt me more? Why are there so many inconsistencies? I mean, I can't complain, she could have given me something a whole lot worse, but still. This is sloppy work. I'm almost disappointed in Phoenix. "Are you sure you're alright? You seem kinda out of it."

I cleared my throat and nodded, trying to reassure the both of us that nothing was truly wrong. It was just... out of character for her to be so merciful. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just kinda tired, is all."

Sora smiled, which was weirdly pretty, seemingly buying the excuse I had used and kissing my cheek. "Good, I love you, alright?"

'Play along,' came Phoenix's voice, and you could hear the smugness in it. She wasn't going to make this easy for me. Her voice rang around my head, and with great difficulty, I said the next sentence.

"Alright; I love you too," I said, trying my hardest to play along with what was happening and the act still be convincing. Thankfully, Sora seemed to buy it and made his way off the bed, his eyes shining with glee. I wonder what made him so happy. Those were the hardest five words of my life.

"You get dressed, and then I'll have breakfast prepared for you when you come down," Sora told me, his smile filled with such love and purity that at that moment, I couldn't hate it, no matter how hard I tried. There was something that stirred in me. I don't know what, I don't know why. It was just strange.

"Alright. Thanks, Sora." I said and watched as he walked out of the room, a skip in his step, and I was curious about this entire relationship we had. When he left, I let out a sigh of relief, thankful that he was finally gone, and glad that I wouldn't have to deal with him for the time being. Phoenix suddenly appeared in front of me, and I suppressed a glare. This is getting gradually worse, and I am not appreciative of it.

"What was all that about?" I asked, sitting up so I was in a more comfortable position, and then staring at the beautiful phoenix in front of me as I awaited an answer. The suspense alone could kill me.

"How do you feel about being in a relationship with that man?" Phoenix tilted her head to the side as she questioned me. Her eyes glinted with an unidentifiable emotion, and a fear ignited within me. What does she have in store for me?

"I'm completely against the idea. I could never be in a relationship with Sora." I replied, sceptical to the whole idea of being in a relationship with him, of all the people. Although... it could be interesting, to say the least. I might be up to giving it a shot if it means I can obliterate him again later. And it could be worse. It could be torture.

"Well, you're going to have to deal with him. This is how you're going to suffer." She said, and I narrowed my eyes at her. I may not be completely against the idea, but I still want to know what her motives are. She was never one to be kind to me, so what has caused this change in heart? It was strange. I didn't like it.

"Why are you doing this, Phoenix?" I asked, and all she did was stare back at me for a moment, a moment which felt like an eternity before she decided to give me some sort of reason. The reason wasn't worth the wait if I'm quite honest.

"Like I said before, master, I want to see you suffer. It's also entertaining seeing you in these situations and watching you squirm when you don't know what's going on." There was hostility in her voice and the look on her face... the only way I could describe it was pure madness. She was enjoying this a little too much, considering this is hardly worth writing home about. "But you're going to have to play along, master. Otherwise, things might not always play out in your favour."

And with that, she disappeared. And I was left to fully piece it all together. So I'm stuck in an altered past where Sora Keen is now my boyfriend and obviously has been for a while now. We seem to be rather fond of each other and have a somewhat good relationship. This is going to be intolerable. I knew that Phoenix would go to great lengths to make sure I suffered, but I actually have a physical say in the events around me and with a man who I so openly despise purely for his ideologies. It's actually kind of flattering that she would put so much thought into this entire charade. Let's see how much further she'll go.

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