The Bubbler

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Outside the school, Violet and Y/N are in the car as she's wearing her sunglasses and casual clothes. She wears a black business suit, gray button shirt, and black heels as she drops him off.

Violet: "Do you got everything like your thermos?"

Y/N: "Yes, Violet."

Violet: "Okay. Good luck at school. And be careful."

Y/N: "Okay."

He gets out of the car as she drove off. He takes a deep breath and heads in the school. In the classroom, the students are chatting as the teacher name Caline Bustier came in.

Caline: "Good morning, students."

She said as the students got their attention.

Caline: "We have a new student here today. Please, welcome Y/N Brooks."

Y/N enters the classroom as the students are surprised that he's here.

Y/N: "Hello."

Caline: "Now, Y/N. Why don't you go find a seat so we could begin."

Y/N heads to his seat as some students whispers that Y/N is here in the flesh because he doesn't appear at day which people think it's odd, but they're a huge fans of him after all. As he took his seat, he looks to see two girls. One with black hair with purple streaks and red eyes, and one with blonde hair and blue eyes as they stared at him. He smiles as he waves at them, and he uses Presence which this made them blush as they look away and he chuckles.

Y/N: (thought) 'Alright, Y/N. I need to find who Ladybug and Cat Noir are. So I got to use my disciplines wisely.'

He thought as he uses Auspex and see's that the students and the teacher here have white auras except for two. Y/N sees two girls one with blonde hair that's formed a ponytail and one short orange hair with glasses as he sees their auras are red.

Y/N: (thought) 'Chloe Bourgeois. As what her aura could tell that she's going to be trouble. Especially the other girl too.'

Then he looks to see a boy with blonde hair, and Y/N knows who he is.

Y/N: (thought) 'Adrien Agreste.'

Later, Y/N is in the cafeteria as he's getting his lunch.

Y/N: (thought) 'Its a good thing that I have enough willpower to eat food.'

???: "Hello!"

Y/N looks to see the same two girls that were starring at him in class.

Y/N: "Hi. Your the two girls that been starring at me in class."

???: "Sorry, about that."

Y/N: "It's okay. This happens a lot."

He said as this made them smile.

???: "I'm Rose. And this is Juleka."

Juleka: (mumbles) "Hi."

Rose: "We are huge fans of your art. Do charities to help people, and teaching them of how to do art is so sweet."

Y/N: "Thanks. If it's okay if I eat lunch with you guys?"

He said as this surprised them.

Rose: "Really?"

Y/N: "Sure. I don't mind."

Juleka: (mumbles) "Awesome."

Rose and Juleka smiles as they heads towards they're friends.

Rose: (thought) 'This is so exciting!'

She thought as they see they're friends sitting at a table.

Rose: "Hey, girls! Guess who wants to sit with us."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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