Why are we like this? pt.2

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A/N: Hi guys, I know it's been a while since I last posted, but it's university entrance exam season in my country and It's hard for me to concentrate on my studies if I post a lot, anyway, I'll be back to posting normally, I hope you missed my stories🫡 and don't forget to vote pls⭐️

"You looked so beautiful!", I looked up and Bada came running through the door, the dancers around me chuckled.
"Ah, you were watching?", I asked in a shy smile as I took off my heels.
"Everyone was.", she pointed at the little window on the door where some curious dancers who were watching us nervously turned on their backs pretending to look away.
I laughed at the scene, although it made me a little bit nervous to know that all eyes were on me every time I visited the academy, I had to admit that I liked the attention.

"Thank you.", my cheeks burned, and I avoided eye contact with her. "The class was great, I can't believe Eunki teaches on heels every day, she's amazing! I'll definitely come back.", I proceeded to sound normal, I was shy to know that Bada watched me dance so sensually. Bada listened attentively while tying my other shoelace, a small smile smearing on her lips.

"I'm glad to hear that! You're welcome anytime. You did well, your curves accentuate your moves beautifully.", Eunki was speaking fast clearly excited, she sat beside us with a wide grin on her face. "If you do something like that everyone would go crazy!".

"Ah, thank you!", I exclaimed shyly. "I want to incorporate something like that on my next album, maybe we could work together in the future?", I asked switching look between her and Bada, the two agreed as excited as me, we chatted for some minutes about how we could do it and what genre of music it would fit the best, all of us so excited for a work that didn't even have a date to happen.

"I hope she comes back here often!", I listened to someone say as I got out of the studio and walked into the lounge of JustJerk Academy
"Bye, guys! Thank you!", I waved at the group of dancers who were chatting in a circle by the corner of the room, I was happy to know that they were probably talking about me, and they waved back with gentle smiles and kind exclamations like "Good night!" and "You did well!".
JHo stepped forward giving me a high-five. "We're always excited when you come around, thank you for coming!".
JHo was a humble and gentle guy, he was Bada's first dance teacher so his presence made me a little nervous even though he and Bada had become friends throughout the years.
"Oh, of course. I love it here, I get flustered by how well you guys treat me every time. Thank you, really!".

Bada entered the lounge with her bag on her shoulders, ready to leave. She wore that fucking green waveclub shirt that complimented so well her skin color and had her hair in a low bun with two little braids on each side, she looked beautiful.

"C'mon, stop making her uncomfortable, she's been visiting the academy for the last seven years, you should be used by now.", she exclaimed with a little playful smile on her lips as she walked next to me.
I agreed with her with a little laugh, I wanted to say that at this point we were all supposed to be friends, but I didn't want to sound like I was forcing something, JHo was still a sunbae for me.
"Oh, so can we talk informally to each other? We're the same age anyways", Howl asked with a mischievous grin on his face and a playful tone I never heard before.
"Of course my friend!", I exclaimed, talking like an old lady who just met a long-time friend. The group laughed at the playful atmosphere between us. "I wanted to drop the honorifics a long time ago but I didn't know if it was all right with you guys".
"So we're all friends now? Okaaay, so good night my giirrlss!", Eunki said playfully, making me giggle a little bit more as I copied the way she moved her hands in a sassy way when she said the sentence.
"Alright, let's stop playing and let them go, they have even more work to do today.", JHo said suddenly in a scolding tone making the atmosphere of the room weird. "And have a good night my giiirlssss", the serious expression then became a cocky one as he copied the sassy tone of voice and hand moves that Eunki just did, we all laughed together, and Bada's little giggles behind me made my heart race a bit.

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