Bebe On Stage Pt2.

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Warnings: smut

It was time to Bebe go on stage, I was with them as Bada asked me to be with her on the backstage as she was really nervous, I'm not gonna lie, some hours ago when she asked that saying that I would make her feel better If I was there my heart almost exploded on my chest, I was so happy that I could not stop smiling and giggling by myself after she said that.

The backstage was dark, the Bebe members and Luna were in a circle reviewing the performance, the members sighed worried as they practiced the moves they thought they could forget or make it look better.

Suddenly the leader loud voice was heard shouting encouragement words to her members. "Okaay girls, we got this, we can do it!", Bada said smiling looking excited at her members, she was ready to go on stage and show how they were up to the hype that SWF brought to them.

The Bebe members and Luna started to hug each other to bring lucky to the performance while saying encouragement words.

Luna opened her arms to Bada and she gladly hugged her tighly by the waist hiding her face between Luna's shoulders and neck, she sighed trying to get the anxious feeling away. With her arms around Bada's neck Luna caressed Bada's head and pushed her even closer.
"Everything's gonna be okay", she said sweetly in a whisper, just like Bada said to her earlier.
They pulled away smiling sweetly at each other with bright eyes.
Bada suddenly put her hands on Luna's face and pushed her closer putting their foreheads together.
"Give me a bit of your energy and confidence", Bada said smiling with her eyes closed, Luna giggled at the sudden act of affection with her hands caressing Bada's arms.

"OKAY, YOU HAVE 30 SECONDS", the stage staff screamed at the team.

Bada and luna pulled away, the team Bebe members smiling watching their sweet moment, Luna tapped the younger members on the back wishing good luck, the younger members were thankful to Luna's presence, they admired her as much as they admire their leader, they've been working with Luna for several years and she was always kind and supportive to them.

Luna looked at Bada giving a last reassuring smile and shouted "FIGHTING!", with her fists closed before running to her seat beside her members and together with other idols on the arena, thankfully the backstage and the seat area were not far if she went down the stairs so she could sit right on time, the audicence screaming like crazy as she appeared running close to the audience.

BTS members looked at Luna smiling as she came running as fast as she could at their direction, idols from other groups bowing desesperatly as she ran through them smiling and greeting everyone.

"How are they?", Joon asked a bit worried.

"They're quite nervous but they're okay", Luna said catching her breath.

"I'm nervous for them but I'm sure they're gonna kill it", Hoseok said smiling excited.

"Smoke" by DYNAMICDUO feat. Le Youngji exploded on the speakers and the audience went crazy, the screams were defeaning. Luna, Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other smiling impressed by the response of the audience, the BTS members started screaming hyping the BEBE members on the stage. Luna felt a rush of adrenaline in her veins, she was so happy and proud with the impact of team BEBE, she knew exactly how amazing was to perform on the stage while the audience went wild and she was more than happy to see her dongsaeng's and Bada experiencing the same feeling, they worked hard and they deserved it.

The screams from the audience and even from other idols got louder at every beat the team beat perfectly with their bodies, everyone was exactly how Luna said, completely mesmerized by the girls presence and talent on stage. Everytime Bada showed on the wide screen of the arena Luna went crazy and screamed as much as Bada's fans on the audicence. At a point of the performance the wide screen divided in two frames for some seconds, one side focusing on Bada and the other side focusing on the BTS members reactions, Bada smiled at the camera while hitting a beat perfectly with her body, Luna screamed and jumped putting her hands on her head making the audience and other idols laugh at Luna's cute reaction to her friend. Team Bebe performance was one of the most expected of the night and they didn't disappoint, every idol was standing and jumping hyping them and in the end of the performance Team BEBE was greatly applauded by everyone.

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