Puppy Love

103 5 0

July 21-Smallville, Kansas

"Thanks again for letting them spend the day together." Lana smiled. "I have to work, and I didn't want him just sitting in the house all day."

"It's not problem." You told her. "You're doing us a favor. Kara needs to socialize with more than just her family."

"Lily! David!" She called to them as they got out of the car.

The little girl ran up to you and gave you a hug.

"Hi, Amber!"

"Hey, Lily. They boys are out in the backyard."

"Bye, Mommy!" She smiled as she ran to the back.

"David, this is Amber. Amber, this is my nephew, David."

"It's nice to meet you, David."

"You too. Thanks for having me over."

"Anytime. Why don't you head inside? Kara and Conner are in the kitchen."

He nodded and walked inside.

"He's going to be a senior this year. I thought it'd be a good idea for him to Kara so that she can have a friend at school."

"I appreciate it. Maybe this will make her stop hating me."

"Man, I am not looking forward to having a teenage girl."

"It's not for the faint of heart."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Just let me know when you're coming to pick them up."

"I will. Thanks again."

You went back in the house and Clark immediately pulled you aside.

"That's David?"

"Yeah. I don't think he's 14 by the way."

"She said he was in high school. She didn't say what year."

"Regardless, I'm sure today will be fun." 

"Damn it." Conner sighed as he set the controller down. "How did you win again?"

"17 years of practice." David shrugged.

"Conner!" Martha yelled from the kitchen. "Can you help me bring in these groceries?"

"I'll be back. Beat his ass, Kara." He joked as he left the room.

"I'm not very good at this game." She laughed.

"That's okay. You want me to teach you?"


He moved closer to her on the couch and handed her the controller.

"You see the this joystick?"


"That's how you move back and forth. And you can move it up or down to jump and crouch."

"Like this?"

"Yeah, you got it. Now, press this button to hit, this one to kick, and press this to use your special move."

"I think I got it."

"You ready to play?"


After a few minutes, the game ended and the stats were on the screen.

"You won."


"Mhm. Good job."

"Did you let me win?"

Sweet Nothing (Clark Kent x Black!OC)-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now