Let Them Eat Cake

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May 26-Metropolis, Delaware

You repeatedly checked the time as the three of you waited in the parking lot. Zeeke was supposed to be out five minutes ago, and you had to get back home. When he finally walked out of the school doors, he got into the backseat next to his brother.

"Hey kiddo!" Clark smiled. "How was the last day of school?"

"Boring. It's just fourth grade."

"You're growing up. I remember when you were just a little boy."

"I remember when you came out of me."

"Gross, mom."

"At least you weren't like Jon. He was ten pounds."

"Woah! I was a huge baby!"

"Yes, you were. You had me looking like Frankenstein for months."


"Okay, I'm done."

"Okay you guys, we're on a tight schedule." Clark told you. "Everyone will be there at 4:30."

"Lucky for you, I am the best mom ever, and I decorated the house at the crack of dawn this morning."

"So, who's excited?"

"Me!" The little boy yelled.

"You excited for your birthday, Zeeke?"

"It's not my birthday, dad. My birthday was three days ago."

"And your brother's is in two days. You can still celebrate it today." You told him.

"I know. I just kind of miss having my own party."

"We throw one big party for you and Jon right in the middle of your birthdays. We've been doing this for a little while now. Why don't you like it anymore?"

"Because, I'm not 5 anymore."

"Well, when you turn eighteen, we will throw you your own party. Deal?"


You loved your kids. You loved them more than anything else in the world. But, you hated throwing parties for them. The summer breeze flew through the kitchen windows as you put the final candle on the cake. You hadn't planned on having Zeeke and Jon in the same month, obviously. But, at least you can throw their parties together.

You lifted up the cake and began taking it to the dining room. Unbeknownst to you, there was a toy abandoned on the floor. The cake began to tilt until a gust of wind flew by, and the dessert was upright in your hands once again.

"Thanks, Barry."

"Don't mention it."

You joined the group around the large table and set the cake down in the middle.

"Ready?" You asked.


Clark held up the phone that had his parents and Conner watching through the screen. You stood behind your boys and joined the group as they finished the song.

"Happy birthday dear Zeeke and Jon! Happy birthday to you!"

They blew out the candles and moved back so that you could cut it. Barry and Roy tried to sneak more than one piece, which was quickly put to a stop.

"Save some for the kids!" Selina scolded.

"Have some cake, Damian." Bruce told his son.

"I'd rather not."

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