Good Mourning

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June 3-Smallville, Kansas

You helped Jon put on his jacket before sending him to wait downstairs. You could hear Zeeke sigh from his room.

"You okay, Z?"

"I can't tie the tie!"

"It's okay. I got it." You walked over to him and kneeled down so you could fix his tie. "I've had to do this for both of your dads over the years."

"They can't do it themselves?"

"They can. They just like it better when I do it."

You finished the knot and stood back up on your feet.

"Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome."

You began to walk out of the room until he called you.

"Hey, Mom?"


"Do you miss Paw-Paw?"

"Of course. Do you?"


"What do you miss about him?"

"He would play with me and Jon. And he took us out for ice cream."

"He really loved you guys."

"I miss him so much."

You wrapped your arms around him and rubbed his back.

"I know, baby. I miss him too."

"I wish he was still here."

"He still can be."


"In pictures, videos, memories. And most importantly, in your heart."


"Really. Just because he's dead, it doesn't mean that he's gone."

He buried his face in your neck and held you tightly.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too."

"Babe? Will you tie my tie?" Clark called from the other room.

You kissed Zeeke on the forehead before walking into your room.


"You could do it yourself, you know."

"I know."

You smiled and repeated the actions you had just done a few minutes ago.

"You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too."

The church was small. Considering that it was a small town, it didn't exactly surprise you. Conner walked off the stage and went back to his seat. He had barley made it through the obituary. You grabbed Clark's hand and kissed his cheek before he went up there.

Sweet Nothing (Clark Kent x Black!OC)-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now