part 3

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As Zelena leaves after having a brief conversation with the new dark one. Killian leaves but has a curious thought and continues to look through the memories and freezes at what he sees next.

"Hook....I'm pregnant"

                       "I'm going to be a father"

"Carefully love, you are eating for two"

      "Hehe sooo, when we get home we are to move into the new house and make up the baby room, are you excited? Hook"

     'as Emma sees what hook was becoming with the darkness, she realises that their child can't be involved and speeds up her pregnancy with magic....and gives birth'

Hook sees Emma leave their baby girl in nothing but a basket and a blanket on the side of the road in Camelot and walk away, And a stray tear rolls down his cheek.
"What did she do to you my baby girl?"

-18 years prior-

As Emma leaves the babe next to the road, she continues walking and casts the curse, getting thrown back into stoorybrooke in granny's diner with her family, but what she doesn't know is that her baby gets caught up in the tornado, but gets thrown into a different land.

As the baby lands in the woods of the another land. She wails for as long as she can before bear approaches and picks up the basket with her teeth and takes the babe back to her cave with her mate.

The child grows alongside the bears and a few years later the mother bear gives birth to a little cub 'trinket'. She later comes to discover she is able to grow vines and start fires with her hands, she learns she can do magic, but she chooses to ignore it, not because she is scared. But because she has no need for this 'gift'


The child hunts and survives in the wild but one day when the girl is but 10years old, her and trinket approach the cave and find blood. They search and soon find hunters who are carrying their dead parents back to the village for supper. Trinket whines and growls alongside the girl as she is filled with rage that she has never felt before.

The same girl drenched in blood, twirls and laughs with tears streaming down her face. She dances in the fire and dances in the result of her pain, and her and trinket soon leave but they didn't know they left a survivor, who soon tells the tale of the girl with golden hair with three bears.

And so Goldilocks is born


The girl grows and travels the lands, some even outside of time, as the name Goldilocks spreads and strikes fear into the people, scared of the notorious and strikingly intelligent con woman and thief, who once killed an entire village.

-back in the enchanted forest 8 years after the death of her mother and father bears-

As the cart with royal jewels stops suddenly, seeing a tree in the middle of the road, one of the guards calls out 'keep an eye out, it may be an ambush' but what he didn't know is that the cart stopped exactly where it was supposed to. Underneath the cart is a hole with a  wooden Board covered in dirt, hidding it in plain sight, and you would never have noticed the difference until it moves and a pair of delicate hands reach out and when the guards start hacking away at the thick tree, they don't notice the girl underneath the cart with a knife who then hits it into the floor of the cart to make an entry then enters a saw, all while the guards are making perfect cover noise and as she finishes sawing a hole, big enough for her, she hops in.

She looks around at all the goods with a smirk, she starts putting them into her small but magical pouch at her hip. She puts full bags half her size into the magical pouch and it's as if they never entered it in the first place, seeing as the size does not differ, she keeps stealing all the goods until there is nothing left from the previously stocked cart and turned into an empty nothingness but then she hears it, two rocks slightly tapping each other. The signal. And so she hops back in her manhole and covers herself with the false floor with just a minute to spare, as the guards ride off, continuing with guarding a now empty cart.

She hears scratching on her wooden board and moves it to see trinket looking down at her and then nuzzle her face with his head and she just chuckles and says "bunch a nitwits aren't they trink?" The bear just affectionately growls and so she hops out of the manhole and moves to ride trinket as they leave.
As she walks through the village with her cloak drawn, she hears the gossip of a luscious land called Camelot who is hosting a bunch of powerful people and she smirks.
As she walks into the cave she hears snoring and chuckles to her self as she places down the new supplies and coins that she had stolen from naive and clueless villagers and approaches the bear and lays down on her stomach facing him, with her head propped up by her hand. She reaches out and softly scratches the tip of trinkets nose affectionately, waking up the bear in the process
"Sorry Darlin, didn't mean to cut off your nap" he lifts his head slightly, so Goldie moves to sit up and move closer to him as he replaces his head in her lap.
"Just thought you ought to know that I heard of this land a few days away called Camelot, it's got riches and snobby people, thought we ought to have some fun ye?"
The bear just makes a noise in acceptance and so at daybreak they both head to this Lucius land, not knowing that she is going to the place only a few hours after the young, and innocent past version of her was abandoned and the present her now returning with her companion. Not knowing they are about to be caught up in a curse.


-present time-

"You of all people can understand that.... after what you did(he looks at her in anger, remembering his abandoned daughter)"
"Everything I did, I did for you"
"You see that's your problem swan, your so afraid of losing the people you love that you push them away, that's why you'll always be an orphan, you don't need some villain swooping in to destroy your happiness, you do that quite well all on your own"
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because I want to hurt you, like you hurt you hurt our daughter by abandoning her" and with that he walks away as she looks at him terrified, realising what he saw.

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