Uta | The Protector

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Requested by - Alanfredrick-290508

In this one, Uta doesn't have any powers. Also, (Y/N)'s devil fruit form is similar to Ursaluna from Pokemon.


(Y/N) was looking at the ocean with a smile on his face while sitting on the railing of the Red-Haired Pirate's ship. Suddenly, Shanks came onto the deck with a worried expression.

Shanks: (Y/N)! I need your help.

(Y/N): What is it, cap?

Shanks: Uta.

(Y/N): (Facepalms) She ran away again?

Shanks: Yup. When will she learn?!

(Y/N): Don't worry. I'll get her.

Shanks: Thank you (Y/N). I don't know what we would do without you.

(Y/N): (Chuckles) You probably would've had to tie her up with a rope.

Shanks: (Chuckles) Yeah. Well, bring her back as soon as possible.

(Y/N): You got it.

He got off the railing and transformed into his hybrid bear form. Shanks handed him Uta's handkerchief and he began smelling it. After a while, he found a trail. He changed back, packed some food, and took a sloop to follow her trail. A few hours later, he reached a small island and got off the boat.

(Y/N): Where are you, Uta?

He kept following the trail until he reached a small village. He hid in the bushes and saw that the people were tribals. The trail stopped inside a hut.

(Y/N): Damnit... She's been captured.

He tried to sneak around the village but a twig snapped below his leg and everyone was alerted.

Tribal Man: (Speaking in tribal)

(Y/N): Whatever you said, don't do that!

All the men and women came out with spears in their hands. He had no choice. He transformed into a full bear. The people staggered back after seeing him like that. He began to roar to try and scare them but it had little to no effect. Some of them ran away while others charged at him. He bit down several men and slashed several women until they accepted their defeat and ran away, deserting the entire village. He changed back to his human form.

(Y/N): (Panting) Damn... Freaking psychos...

He went inside the hut Uta was in and found her fast asleep with many fruits around her. They were trying to eat her.

(Y/N): (Sighs) This girl... UTA!

Uta: Aah! Wha- Who?

He sat down in front of her.

(Y/N): (Sarcastically smiles) Morning.

Uta: (Nervously laughs) H-hi (Y/N)... It's a good day, isn't it?

(Y/N): It is but not for you. Come on.

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