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After OZ's first visual prison win and Guil's revival, the Scarlet moon, which only vampires can see, disapeared from the sky. Oz, alongside with Lost Eden and Eclipse, ought to find out the mystery behind the Scarlet mooon's disappearance. However, after investigating and questioning the Vampire Princess for answers, they ought to have found no clue besides to keep making music and sing.

Months before the next Visual Prison, a woman appeared. Hair so black, lips so red, skin so pale, and eyes like the color scarlet. Without accord, she went to see Guil and bit him. Then disappeared as if nothing happened. Guil on the other hand, had his red marks decreased. Why did she bit him? Why dud his marks decreased? Who is she? Where is the Scarlet Moon?

Visual Prison: Guilty Moon (GuilxOC)Where stories live. Discover now