Imagine Me and You, I Do...

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Date & Time: 15th March, 1981. | 2:48 PM.

Despite Bell's intense brainwashing by the CIA with the highly painful usage of the MKUltra Program, Bell put his newfound morals above his past history with the Soviet Union to put a stop to their world-damaging plans. In a moment of possible lies, when questioned of Perseus' operations to put a stop to their scheme, Bell chose to do what was right, sharing the whereabouts of where they needed to go, to avoid calamity, raising the name of their destination, the Solovetsky Islands.

Wether Bell's raised location was real or fake, the CIA was going to have to send their best to investigate the scene to confirm or worse, deny, whatever the outcome, Bell's use for the CIA was now thin to none, whatever the answer, Bell's purpose, to spill information the CIA lacked, now was longer needed. But Adler did not expose of Bell, together with fellow allies Frank Woods and Alex Mason, the four took down the Soviet Union's operations, Bell personally delivering bombs to the site's AA Guns to allow safe bombing from the CIA to destroy the enemy's schemes, but the incoming bombing was too close, knocking Bell onto the ground, unconscious, collapsed under rubble, thought to be lost or worse.

Date & Time: 15th March, 1981. | 11:29 PM.

In that moment of confusion, as scattered fire burned throughout the remains of the enemy site and nothing but rubble and ash remained, Adler once more had the opportunity to end their matters with Bell there, but willingly chose to keep their lips tight, allowing Bell to be searched and found by their teammate Woods, he and Mason lifting and tossing the debris aside that fell onto Bell before Adler could step forward to lift an arm, offering their hand to pull Bell up from the ground.

Though their main target Perseus still continues to operate from the shadows, the team thoroughly thwarted his plans, that said, there was still unfinished business to take care of for some. In the early morning of the following day from their victory after being flown out from the remnants of enemy territory to a new temporary base in Alaska, Hudson informed Adler in secrecy to dispose of their no longer needed living puppet, before they'd regret leaving them alive later...

Date & Time: 16th March, 1981. | 7:13 AM.

Adler had took Bell out for a little belated completed mission celebration, taking them to a nice view of the Arctic Ocean. This was supposed to be the end of this little operation, to tie up one last loose end, but...

Bell raised his right hand over his eyes as the sun shone over the horizon, before thick clouds of grey passed on by, covering the sun almost completely, now with clear vision, Bell's eyes refocused on the path ahead, watching as seagulls flew by his sights and off towards the great horizon as he and Adler moved by their resting spot, now approaching closer towards the cliffside to the nice view ahead.

Adler took the lead forward, stepping in front of Bell with a smoke in his right hand, for a moment, all that could be heard was a light breeze, the moving ocean and the calling of seagulls, until Adler opened his mouth to speak as his footing neared the ledge, "Arctic air..." Adler began to speak as he turned to face Bell's way, "...Clears the head, doesn't it?" The man paused with a silent gulp of verbal hesitancy, before continuing to speak, "Bell, you made two extraordinary sacrifices to stop Perseus. One was without your knowledge. The other... you made that decision of your own accord." The man turned away from Bell for a brief moment to take a short breathe of his cigarette as he looked to the horizon, taking two steps closer to the ledge before stopping himself to keep the conversation moving, "I just want you to know that this little thing that's happened with you and me... It was always for the greater good." Adler said before tossing his cigarette over the cliff. "You're a damn hero, you know that, kid?"

Bell nodded his head ever so slightly in response as he continued quietly standing by, listening and watching the man in front of him attentively... there was a growing tensity in the air, no matter how beautiful the surrounding scenery was...

"You're still one of us." (Black Ops Cold War Expanded "Truth" Ending.)Where stories live. Discover now