Eldon gaped at him. "Why? It was her idea." He pointed at Haven.

Haven relaxed and rolled her eyes. "Why, thank you, Eldon."

"Oh, I know it was." Godwin snarled at her and moved closer. "Do you have any idea how much you could have risked?"

Sure. Eldon had been here before with Elouise. Any of the citizens could've recognized him, but they didn't. Half of the people don't care to remember faces or names, and none of them were involved with Inferum cantivat. So, really, what was the risk?

Haven lifted her eyebrows. "My mistake. It won't happen again." She descended the short steps and tried passing him, except Udolf stepped in her way. When she groaned and attempted to walk around him, he held her still.

"Don't fucking touch me." She shoved him back.

Udolf frowned and shook his head. Those little bunched nerves in her stomach twisted.


Haven turned back around and did her best to smirk. "Punish me, then. But only me. I forced him to go."

Godwin chuckled and slapped a hand onto Eldon's shoulder. She watched him dig his long fingernails into it. Eldon grimaced, yet he didn't dare to say a word or make a sound.

"He is not a child," said Godwin. "He knew what he was agreeing to and still decided to go through with it."

Haven narrowed her eyes at him. "You need him, Godwin. You can't hurt him."

Godwin feigned a gasp and placed his other hand on his chest. "I am offended you would think I would torture him as punishment."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I am going to make him understand just how grave this situation is and how serious he should be taking it." Godwin turned to Eldon. "I have been easy on you these past months, because you were recovering. But, as you've proven today, you are much better."

Haven noticed the bob of Eldon's throat as he swallowed.

"I am," Eldon plainly said.

"Good," Godwin responded, grin widening. "Now we can move onto phase two."

"What's phase two?"

Godwin snapped his fingers at Udolf. Udolf hastily unsheathed his scimitar and handed it to him.

"Your original sword is still locked away at the castle," Godwin explained, running his finger down the side of the blade. "I will send Haven to retrieve it for you."

Haven recoiled. "What?"

"In the meantime..." Godwin handed the scimitar to Eldon. "You can practice with this."

Eldon drew his eyebrows together as he carefully examined the weapon.

"You used to be quite the swordsman," Godwin elaborated. "You were great with a bow as well."

"I was?" Eldon looked up at him.

"Tomorrow, on your twentieth birthday, your training begins. Haven will leave first thing at dawn." Godwin met her eyes and snickered. "A quick job. You should be in and out of there. Understood?"

Haven bowed her head. "Yes."

"Very well. Now get to bed. All of you." Godwin stormed out of there, leaving them standing in daunting silence.

Haven swore she could hear everyone's heartbeats, including her own. She forcefully raised her gaze and breathed in calmly. But as she turned to leave, Udolf whispered, "You heard him, Haven. That means no stalling to speak with your little prince."

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