Field trip pt2

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〖It was finally the day that they were going to France〗

It was 5:30 am in the morning and they would leave at 5:50 am since the flight was at 8:43 am and they had a lot to do so far

5S and 5L were in the same hall and there was a lot of people there

The teachers were also coming and they saw 6S and 6L students being here, why thought?

A few minutes, everyone arrived now and they were all gathered in the hall and everyone was talking

"Attention everyone. Look over here, we have some announcements" Ms. Gina said to the classes

"You all know we're going on the plane today so I need everyone to follow our rules carefully and don't get lost" Mr. Ko said to them

"You guys will be in groups of 5 and there will be 2 teachers in each group. You have to follow them and listen to there instructions" Ms. Gina said

"Now, we will tell you the students who unfortunately can not come to the field trip due to reasons" Mr. Ko added

"From 5S class, Jashan, Musa, Maidah, Archi, Janice, Arma and Alexis aren't able to come with us today" Ms. Wang said

"From 5L Hayley, ikhalq, Ammar, Affan, Aroba and Ada unfortunately couldn't come with us today" Mr. Chan said

"There will be 6 6L and 6S students at that will be coming with us to help with announcements and help with tour since they have been there" Ms. Want announced

"We have Kayla, Daphne, Karissa, Jolie, Rhian and Nayumi" Ms. Want added

Then after that they were all introduced they started to leave the place

The teachers started to take attendance to make sure everyone was there and no one was late

"So now, we are getting into groups. Mr. Chan is going to call out the number of the group and the people that will be in it" Ms. Gina then placed down the mic again

The teacher who was in charged was calling the students for there groups

Group A, B, C, D and E

After the groups were assigned they started going to the bus to go to the airport

It would take a long time because the Airport was 1 hour and 30 minutes long


After they got in there busses then everyone started to use their phones and random stuff on the bus

"Let's play truth or dare" Kristienne said to cyrill

Cyrill nodded her head in response to yes

"Truth or dare?" Kristienne asked her

"Uhm.. dare?" Cyrill said debating on her answer

"Tell cherry you like him" Kristienne said smiling at her

"Heck no, plus, his on the other side of the bus" Cyrill said looking around

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