Starts dating?

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The next day, it was a Monday and no one wanted to go to school but they had to obviously

Kalila went to school by herself but she saw Ishaan and Isam there walking to school so she decided to go up to the again

"Hello" Kalila said as she went behind the them

Isam got startled because he didn't hear her coming from behind

"Hey" Ishaan said letting her interrupt whatever conversation they were having

"Let's walk together" kalila said smiling at both of them

Ishaan and Isam looked at each other, they thought she was a bit cute when she smiled

"Yeah sure" Isam said to Kalila

〖They all walked to school and went to class. When they got there everyone was staring at them〗

Then they all started to whisper? Wonder why?

They were talking about how suspicious kalila, Isam and Ishaan walked in together since they were always so separated

Ishaan looked at Kalila and Isam then he sighed and went to his desk and sat down

He literally had enough with them and just wanted to make the whole love triangle thing stop

On the other hand. Isam was just annoyed so he went and sat in his desk

Kalila still didn't mind on whatever they were shipping them together

She didn't seem disturbed at all for some reason

Maybe it happened to her before? Who knows?

Class finally started and obviously math had to be first because this school system wants us to sleep in classes for some reason

"Turn your book to page 104" The teacher said while he sat on his desk

The students opened the page but yet there was barely anyone who payed attention because of how they hated maths lesson and the teacher

The only person who didn't hate math was Roha but she MOST DEFINITELY hate our math teacher

Kalila was the one paying attention so she was doing most of her work while others didn't do much

Roha and Kalila and Ishaan are the three top students who were good at maths

Meanwhile not a lot of the others were good at math

They were mostly good at other subjects. Like for example

Jacob, Affan, Iklaq and Jerold were good at P.E

Kristienne, Ishaan, Shincey we're good at the subject English

So the teacher started to ask everyone questions about the homework and stuff on the board

Only Kalila, Roha and Aldrich were answering all the questions

Isam was talking to Kalila as well a bit since he wanted to talk to her as well as he wanted to get closer to her

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