"Why? You never want to take pictures, you say it takes too long." Sanji replied.

"Yea but it's a special occasion!" Luffy said posing for the picture.

"Sanji look at the camera!" Luffy said.

"I can't I'm driving, imma crash if I do."

"Then park somewhere and we'll take a pic!" Luffy said in a smart tone.

They parked somewhere and took a picture in which Luffy posted on his instagram.

"We look super good."



They arrived at Canes and ordered some food.

Luffy didn't order as much food as he regularly did, so he wouldn't spend as much money.

"Tris shri guuut." Luffy said talking with a mouthful full of fries.

"Yea it is good." Sanji said eating the tender.

Sanji and Luffy played a couple of rock paper and scissors before deciding to go to the playground.

"You know there could be an alternate universe of us." Luffy said.

"That's impossible." Sanji commented.

"But it could still happen."

At the park

It was now 7:30 am and Luffy still had 3 and a half hours of having distracting Sanji.


"Sure why not." Sanji replied swinging on the swings.

Luffy still has an obsession on flying and he dresses up as super man every year just because he can fly.

Luffy threw up a little bit because of the swinging which worried Sanji a bit but not too much.

He was worried about his sweater more than Luffy himself.

Luffy and Sanji made a bet on who could last on the monkey bars the most.

The loser had to act as the winners servant.

Luffy and Sanji lasted a good 20 minutes before one of them gave up.

"It's not fair!" Luffy said.

"You used both your legs and arms!"

"Well you never said I couldn't" Sanji said shrugging and laughing.

Sanji made Luffy do a handstand and many other things while at the playground.

The time was now 8:24.

"We should head home now it's been a couple of hours." Sanji commented noticing the time.

Luffy then panicked.

"Wait maybe we should go..to the.. ARCADE!" Luffy said quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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