field trip✈

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Jashan had really been looking forward to the school's annual field trip. She had heard from her friends that it was always a fun-filled and exciting day, and she was eager to experience it for herself. But on the morning of the trip, she woke up feeling under the weather and quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to go.

As she sat at home resting, she felt a pang of disappointment. She knew that there would be lots of pictures and stories to share with her friends when they returned, and she hated the thought of missing out on all the fun.

Later that day, while trying to distract herself from her disappointment, Jashan received a text from her friend Kris. Jashan was surprised, since they didn't usually text much, but she was happy to hear from her anyway.

"Hey, what's up?" Jashan asked.

"Nothing much," Kris replied. "Oh, by the way, did you go on the field trip today?"

"No, I was feeling sick this morning," Jashan said with a sigh. "I'm so bummed that I missed it."

"That's too bad," Kris said. "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll have plenty of stories to share when we get back."

"I guess so," Jashan said, feeling slightly better. "But I'll still miss out on all the fun."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Kris said.

Jashan's thoughts turned to Roha, one of the other students who was going on the trip. Roha and Jashan didn't really know each other well, but she knew that Kris and Roha were friends, and she thought that maybe Kris could ask Roha for her phone number.

"Hey, Kris, do you think you could ask Roha for her phone number for me?" Jashan asked. "I know we're not really close, but maybe we could connect a bit more without the trip."

"Uh, I don't know," Kris said with a chuckle. "I don't really like doing that kind of thing. Do it yourself."

Jashan was a bit taken aback by Kris's
So Jashan was not able to join the field trip and was feeling left out. She wanted to get in touch with Roha to hear about the field trip and maybe even share her own feelings about missing out. She knew that Kris and Roha were close friends, so Jashan asked Kris to ask Roha for her number so she could text her and be included in the loop. Unfortunately, Kris was being difficult and refused to ask Roha for her number. Jashan was disappointed, but she didn't let it get her down. She still had other friends to talk to and other ways to connect with the others on the trip.
I'm sad I didn't gooo I wanted to join buy I didn't get the notice for sm reason 😭
And Roha if ur reading this GURL give me ur number on Friday

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