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Jashan and her friends, Khansa, Harry, and Musa, were in math class one day, bored out of their minds. Jashan was staring out the window, not paying attention to the lesson, when she heard a giggle behind her. She turned around to see her friends whispering and giggling to each other.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Jashan whispered, curiosity getting the better of her.

Khansa turned to her, grinning. "Musa has a crush!" she whispered.

Jashan's eyes widened in shock. Musa? She had never seen him show an interest in anyone before.

"Who is it?" Jashan whispered, leaning in.

Khansa leaned in too, and whispered the name. Jashan's jaw dropped. She had never expected Musa to be interested in someone like that, and she promised Khansa that she wouldn't tell anyone.

As class went on, Jashan couldn't stop thinking about Musa's crush. She was dying to know more, but she also knew that it was a secret, and she had to respect that. Still, she couldn't help but wonder who it was, and what made Musa interested.

After class, Jashan and her friends were hanging out in the school library, chatting and laughing. They started talking about school events coming up, and Jashan's interest was peaked when they brought up the upcoming Christmas party in December.

Jashan leaned in to her friends and whispered, "Hey, guys, Ms. Wong gave us a notice about the Christmas party! We should ask her if Arch and Alexis can sit together for it."

"Oh my god, Jashan, that would be perfect!" Khansa whispered back, her eyes sparkling. "Alexis and Arch have been crushing on each other forever!"

Jashan nodded excitedly, feeling like this was the best idea ever. And as they made their plans for the Christmas party, Jashan couldn't help but wonder if Musa's crush would come up. She knew that she couldn't tell anyone about it, but she also couldn't help but be curious. She couldn't wait to see how things would play out.

Everyone was buzzing with excitement about the upcoming Christmas party, and Jashan was no exception. She had been chatting with Khansa and her other friends, Harry and Musa, about possible outfits and decorations when they finally got to their Chinese class with Ms. Wong.

Ms. Wong, their teacher, was one of the ok teacher at their school, but she wasn't above having some fun too. When she walked into the class, she had a big smile on her face and a stack of papers in her hands.

"Okay, class," she said, passing out the papers to everyone. "In celebration of the Christmas party, I want everyone to sit with someone they don't know very well and get to know them."

Jashan's heart started pounding in her chest. She was nervous about being seated with someone she didn't like, but she was also kind of excited. She looked at her friends, who seemed similarly nervous and excited, and she realized that this was going to be an adventure.

As they settled into their new seats for the duration of the class, Jashan couldn't help but think about Khansa's£ recent confession to her about Musa's crush. She wondered who it was and what made him interested in someone else.

After class, as they were packing up their things to leave, Jashan turned to Khansa and asked, "Hey, Khansa, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Khansa nodded, and they moved to a quieter corner of the room. "What's up?" she asked.

Jashan took a deep breath. "I need to tell you something, and you've gotta promise not to tell anyone. But Musa has a crush."

Khansa's eyes widened. "No way! Who is it?"

Jashan leaned in and whispered the name. Khansa's eyes widened in surprise, and she gasped. "No way! I never would have guessed that."

Jashan nodded, feeling relieved that she could finally share the secret. And as they left the room, she couldn't help but wonder if anyone else in their class knew about Musa's crush, and if they were as interested in finding out as she was.
OI Musa if ur reading this I didn't tell anyone ok? Don't GET MAD AT MEEE

Friendship DramaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora