The candies from the vending machine.

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The first and second-year students had become closer as the weeks passed.

Although they had no classes in common, it was common to see them chatting quietly in some free moments of the day.

"Oh, Yuuta-Senpai! How nice to see you here," Itadori greeted Yuuta happily, who reciprocated with a small smile at seeing the young man so excited.

Okkotsu had left his classroom looking for beverages for his classmates because he had lost a game against them.

Their first-period teacher, Nanami, had been called for an extraordinary mission.

So, since the youngsters did not want to do anything else, they decided to play cards in the classroom while waiting for their second teacher.

"Hey Itadori. Are you in class too?" Yuuta bestowed a smile on the young man.

"We just finished class with Gojo-Sensei, and because the weather is not the best for sparring classes, we're going to have the afternoon off," Yuuji announced as he approached the food vending machines to select two buttons at once, but only getting the second option.

"It's not afternoon off, idiot," Nobara interrupted her companion, approaching them.

Behind her walked Megumi, who greeted Okkotsu. "We need to debrief the previous mission, but someone thinks eating is more important than everything."

"Food is paramount to the development of the mind," Itadori complained as he selected yet more buttons on the machine.

Fushiguro sighed deeply before looking up at Yuuta. "Did you run out of teacher too?"

Yuuta nodded. "Nanami-San had a mission to attend to. Then we must wait two more hours before the second period begins."

"How envious, you guys can leave if you want. Although, with this horrible weather I doubt anyone normal would be able to leave the building," Nobara mentioned, peering through the windows in the background before the vending machines.

The rain was not letting up, and lightning illuminated the grey clouds. Although torrential rain had been announced for that day's evening, the bad weather had come early, disrupting everyone's schedules.

"I could get out and get to the dorm without a problem," Itadori happily announced as he opened a bag of candy.

"I said normal." Nobara tapped the young man's shoulder before grabbing some candy in her hand.

Yuuji complained, saying he had bought another flavour from her, but the woman mentioned that she preferred those sweets.

The two began a small argument over candy, leaving Yuuta and Fushiguro watching the young men fight over which flavour of M&M was the best.

"There's a lot of fuss for school hours."

Another voice appeared behind the juniors.

"Maki-San!" Nobara greeted her superior happily before grabbing the bag of gummies and bestowing it on the girl.

Maki thanked her companion to grab some chocolates from the bag. "It's certainly the day to have no classes. Excellent for us."


Inumaki and Panda came walking behind the young girl. They both seemed very happy to notice everyone gathered in that narrow hallway near the vending machines.

"Besides, it was weird to us that Yuuta had taken so long to bring our prizes," Panda mentioned, making the older man remember to buy what was requested.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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