George Weasley

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A/n: This one is a Christmas one shot, enjoy.🎄🎁

You were spending the holidays with the Weasleys this year, George had been dying to introduce you to his parents as just as they have been dying to meet you. Especially his mom. His siblings already knew you since you all go to Hogwarts together. You and George have been dating the entire year, you were his first girlfriend and he was yours. The two of you get off the train and George immediately takes one of your hands in his and scans his eyes across the station. "Mom!" Ginny yells just as he too spots their parents. Mrs. Weasley hugs all her children and even harry and Hermione and then you lastly. "Ah, you must be Y/n!" She squeezes you tightly. "Careful now, don't wanna go killing the only girl that'll probably ever love this goof." Fred jokes. Mr. Weasley gently shakes your hand. "We've heard so many good things about you." Arthur says. "And not just from George." Molly adds. You smile. George wraps his arm around you and pulls you close while looking at you lovingly. Molly gently nudges Arthur who was already looking. "I see molly, I see." He chuckles. "Alright let's get going, shall we?" Arthur says. Everyone gets in the car, you'd think there wouldn't be any room in such a small car for all of us, but once you got in the car stretched to make room for everyone, it was some sort of magical car. "So cool!" you thought. Once you guys arrived George was quick to pull you inside and show you around. "And this is Fred and I's room." "Figures." "Yeah? How come?" "It's got Fred and George practically painted all over it." You chuckle. "That's fair." Fred says as he enters the room and starts unpacking his bag. "Anyway, you'll be staying in here with us." "And your mom is okay with that?" "She trusts us. But the moment there's any 'funny business' you have to move to Ginny's room." "Hey you guys wanna go outside and build a snowman?" Fred grins. "Race you there!" You apparate to the door and quickly put your coat and boots on, the twins follow after you. You run out the door and fall into the snow. "That. Was. A stupid idea. But totally worth it." You say, regretting your choice as your pants are now wet and there is snow in your boots and covering your hair. "Cold?" George chuckles. "I'll live." George helps you out of the pile of snow and the three of you start building a snowman. "Hey it looks just like Fred!" You joke. "Me? You mean George." "Nah she's right it looks like you." George laughs. Fred tackles George to the ground and the two of them restle each other playfully. Ginny and Hermione come out of the house, both rolling their eyes and digging at the two boys. "Figured you needed a break from these two, wanna come in for some hot chocolate?" Hermione asks. "Sure." The two girls smile and the three of you head inside and make hot chocolate and even bake some cookies together. You guys laugh and mess around for awhile to which the boys eventually come inside. "I have places I didn't know possible." Fred says. Ginny snarls her face in disgust while Hermione and Y/n laugh. After taking off their coats and boots George comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. "Mmm, so warm." He mumbles into the crook of your neck. You giggle. "Want some coco? The cookies are almost done." "Yeah, sure." You grab a cup from the cabinet and pour him some hot chocolate and hand it to him. "Thank you, love." "Mhm." You smile. "Oi, where's mine?" Fred jokes. "Well, do you want some?" You ask. "Sure, why not." You pour Fred some as well. The oven beeps and ginny takes out the cookies while Hermione takes out the frosting and sprinkles to decorate them. You guys chat in the kitchen for awhile until the cookies have cooled off and then start decorating them. "Psst, on a scale of one to ten. How awful does my cookie look?" George says. You laugh. "Can't be worse than mine." You show him your cookie. "Aw, is that a snowman?" "Best I could do." "It's adorable." "It's hideous." "Here, how about we trade cookies." George slides you his and takes yours. "Yours is so much better, your little Christmas tree is too precious." "Yeah, keep telling him that and he'll start selling paintings." Fred jokes. George nudges him playfully. "Aw, would you look at this. Arthur, come. Look!" Molly says. Arthur comes over and smiles as he sees all of you in the kitchen. Well all except Harry, Ron and Percy. Percy was in his room sending a letter to his girlfriend whilst Ron and Harry were outside. "Hold on, don't move! Not an inch! Let me get my camera!" Molly says as she runs off. You all laugh. "Alright, alright. Sha merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas!" You all say in unison, George puts his arm around you and you both hold up your hideous cookies as Fred gives you both bunny ears and Hermione and ginny are laughing at your guy's awful cookies. "Aw, it's perfect! Look, look!" She shows the picture. You all smile at it.


Today is Christmas eve and you all went to diagon alley to get a few things. As you and George wander around you stop for a moment to look at something in a window, he comes up beside you and wraps one of his arms around your waist. "Like it?" He asks. You smile. "Mhm." He pulls you to face him by your waist and pulls you close, you guys look up to see a mistletoe growing above your heads. You both smile and he places a hand on your face as the other rests on your shoulder and kisses you passionately.

A/n: Sorry for any mistakes, I haven't edited it yet.

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