2.11 - nightmares

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Though, contrary to her morbidly still form, she was still alive and kicking.

It was sickening, however, to watch her exposed pink lungs ballooning, inflating and deflating with every ragged breath she took. The organs stretched as they pulsed and you could see every blue-green vein on them.

She struggled to get up, trapped from underneath the giant's rough palm.

"Slayer," a chilling voice called. You looked up, meeting familiar red eyes. Tomb. He was crouched on top of the giant, leering down at you. He was wearing that outfit you recalled he wore in the convenience store, although in place of his red sneakers, were red clown shoes.

His body weirdly stretched, as if he were a two-dimensional plane, changing his height and width – you know, as they do in dreams. His form floated down from the giant, and you were frozen in place out of fear. He was able to pounce on you, just as he did before. And he held you down by your face, all but his left pinky finger on you. You were horrified, your chest rising up and down with frantic breaths as his hot breath hit your face.

His mouth moved, but you couldn't hear what he was saying. Instead, a series of whimsical bird chirps escaped his cracked lips. Your previously panicked face morphed into a quizzical expression, confused by this. The crowd cheered again. They sounded so artificial, like a rehearsed sitcom laugh track.

He continued to speak, or chirp, and instead of being horrified like you would have if this was real, you found yourself becoming bored by the incessant chirping.

Suddenly, a tightly furled fist connected with the side of his skull, and you were met with those striking golden eyes. Like in your first dream (or flashback) of him, your savior's face was blurred, white scribbles blocking it out his face. Judging by his mature frame, this was very clearly an older version – a present version – of that boy from the orphanage. His mouth opened to speak, but again, all you could hear were those stupid chirps. You wanted to hear his voice.

He held out a hand to you, which you took. Or you tried to take it. Your hand phased through his, making you let out a surprised gasp.

You looked back up at him, and you didn't know if it was you being desperate, but there seemed to be less scribbles on his face. You reached for the white scribbles and curled your fingers around one of the threads. Your lips slightly parted when you felt the strange lightweight material between your fingers.

Much to the golden-eyed man's bewilderment, you tugged on the string. You watched keenly as it unraveled from his face. He didn't object, just standing there as still as a portrait, his eyes curiously watching over you.

You kept pulling and pulling, but you seemed to be making no progress. A large heap of white string had gathered beside you – proof that you were pulling away the seemingly never-ending string. But there must be an end. 'I have to see his face,' you pleaded.


You were back home from the internships. You rolled over in your bed, covering your ears with your soft pillow. It wasn't doing a very good job at blocking out Bookie's distressed chirps and clicks. You couldn't believe this was happening right when you were about to finally see his face. At least you were saved from that weird nightmare though. You need to block Tomb out of your mind.

"Stupid fucking bird," a voice rasped – a voice that was not your own. Fuck. No way this is happening again. And after that dream, too. "I'll kill it."

Instinctively, you launched yourself from your bed, attacking the person and bringing them to the ground. It was him. "What are you fucking doing here," you demanded, restraining his hands as you sat all your weight on him. You tried to use tips you learned from Miruko, utilizing your inhuman agility.

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