Twenty-Two: Bruising Egos and Faces

Start from the beginning

"Fucking prick—"

"Says the guy who's a disgrace to hockey!"

The other player didn't seem to take well to that particular comment, the fight only worsening. It wasn't as humorous as Tatum thought it would be. She knew most of the guys on the ice, she didn't want them to get hurt. She kept her eyes on one player in particular, praying that his knee didn't get caught in the crossfire. So far, it seemed that would be the case.

But, of course, the universe just loved to prove her wrong.

One of the players swung his knee out, and she really couldn't tell if it was an accident, but he happened to connect to hit Brady's knee again. Tatum gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as Brady buckled to the ice. There was no missing how his face contorted in pain. Tatum didn't wait, she threw herself through the small doorway onto the ice, stumbling as she did her best to get to Brady. She slid over to where Brady was on the ground, dodging various hockey players as she went.

"Tatum? Are you crazy? Get off the ice!" Isaac called out to her, but she didn't listen. Tatum bent down next to Brady, eyes wide as she tried to get an idea for his condition.

"Brady? Brady," Tatum rushed out in panic, hands on his shoulder.

"Fuck, fuck. Tatum, it hurts," Brady groaned out and she jolted at his words. He had never actually admitted to his knee hurting him before. A new wave of panic rushed over her as she leaned down.

She placed her hand on his shoulder, looking over him carefully. "Can you move it?"

"No, shit, I don't know if I can get up," he told her honestly, clutching at his knee. His honesty was terrifying, to say the least. Tatum hadn't seen him like this.

"It's fine, you're fine. Don't be a baby about it," Tatum said, hoping to distract him. She was pleased when she saw a smile twitch at his lips.

Brady let out a strained laugh. "And you're definitely not supposed to make fun of your patients."

"You don't count," she disregarded teasingly.

"Wait, what the hell are you doing on the ice?" Brady asked, seeming to remember the fight around them.

"You got hurt," Tatum said simply.

"You could get hurt."

"Well, I'm not gonna call anyone a 'disgrace to hockey'," she quoted with a roll of her eyes. "So, think I'm in the clear."

One of the players on the opposing team turned around. "What did you just call me?"

"Oh, perfect," Tatum groaned to herself.

"Listen here you bitch—"

"Hey, mind holding that thought for a second?" Brady chimed in calmly, grunting as he pushed himself up. Tatum's eyes widened as she helped him stand, utterly confused as to what he was doing. The guy stared at him in question, holding his arms out. Brady huffed out, gathering his bearings as he pointedly kept his weight off of his right leg.

And then Brady punched him in the face.

Tatum gasped, eyes bulging from her head. She lunged forward as Brady toppled over again, catching him before he hit the ice. The guy stumbled back, falling into the rest of the players who were still getting as many swings in as they could.

Brady had an infuriatingly cocky grin on his face that made Tatum want to stick him in a box and shake that box very, very hard.

"Hey!" Tatum yelled, pulling Brady up. "I wanted to do that!"

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