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 I wasn't sure if I had slept or not, or even if my eyes had shut last night. I arose groggily and dressed, wearing one of Baria's gowns. I wore a winter white long dress that fell to the floor like a web and draped from my shoulders.

The sleeves were long, lace crossing from the forearm to my wrists. A knock sounded at the door. I opened it, staring out into the hall. Qia stood there with a smile on her face. She still wore the black servant dress. It pulled on my heart strings that she was.

"Come with me," she said in a whisper. "I have to show you something."

We transpired down the stairs and outside. Beyond the castle doors was something I did not expect. Behind the rising sun was a crowd that stood in curiosity. They murmured as I walked out, wearing the crown that once belonged to the queen. I wasn't sure how they were going to react to the news or what they would do to me. After all, I was the enemy.

Qia stationed herself to the left. She bowed, letting her ebony braids fall in front of her. I promised her freedom and brought it. I stepped down from the stairs and faced Udan, staring into the flummoxed and concerned faces of broken and dirty people.

Today would change. A new dawn would rise like the sun beyond the trees.

They would be given freedom and given what they needed to survive. I looked behind me. The front of the castle was still decorated and the blue flowers for the ceremony were still in place. They were wilted more than fresh, dropping to one side.

I wasn't sure what to expect until an uproar broke out. People waved their fists into the air, clambering to get to the front. The soldiers from the wall were standing in front of them, making sure they would not burst through. I wondered if they knew already. I would imagine since Hona holds a high position here that he told them. He stood beside Qia, staring out into the crowd blankly.

"Where is our protector!" someone hollered from within the crowd.

"Why is the intruder wearing the crown?"

"And her attire..."

They didn't know the truth. They were blind to Baria's tyranny. Under her rule for so long, they had forgotten what a queen was.

I cleared my throat. "People of Udan!" I roared, silencing the crowd. They watched me, gazes intent. "Have no fear and listen."

I was unsure how long the silence would last for.

"I have freed you from the tyrant known as Baria." The crowd still did not say anything so I continued. "No longer will you go unfed or your children. No longer will you suffer."

"Suffer?" Arawn said from the front. I saw him through the spacing between a soldier and another Udanian. His expression was the same as before; filled with hate. "We were guarded!"

"Where is Baria?" someone exhorted. "Where is our queen?"

"In the ground," I spat, not caring if my words were crass. "I have slain her and stole her title."

The crowd crashed into each other, screaming things at me. The soldiers pushed against them holding them back. Their bodies shook, scrambling to get to me. They outreached their hands like Baria did when I stabbed her. A lump grew in my throat as they continued to scream. It appeared the soldiers were on my side after all.

"You are not a queen!"

"No Kaijan will rule as queen!"

"Silence!" Hona shouted.

"This cannot be accepted!" a woman shirked.

For a moment, I thought I was wrong.

"Udanians, silence your tongues and listen!" Hona shrieked once more. I turned my attention to him. Hona walked forward, holding a spear in his hand like the soldiers were.

Kaija: Queen of StoneWhere stories live. Discover now