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I stormed back into the kitchen and past Qia and Tiroa as we all took in the horror. That poor man. He wasn't even a spy or a warrior, he was only a man. He pleaded for his life but Baria had no mercy. She was a tyrant.

"Mara?" Qia inquired as I fled.

I huffed, making my way down the stairs. I listened to the sound of footsteps following me.

"Mara," Qia said again. "What is wrong?"

Everything inside of me overflowed like a waterfall. How could Qia say that? A man died before everyone's eyes. She acted as if nothing had just happened.

"She is so awful!" I screeched. "Cruel and awful."

Qia's eyes widened."Mara, calm down."

I lashed back. "I will not calm down!" I shouted. "How are you not angry? Children just watched a man die!"

"It's fine, Mara."

"No it's not!" Tears blurred my vision. "It's not fine. I haven't been here long and she's planning my death."

"She is not planning your death," Qia argued.

I stared at her, trying to understand her change in opinion.

"The bitch is tormenting me."

"Watch your tongue," she spat, then her voice lowered. "Please."

"Why?" I mocked with a laugh. "What is she going to do to me? Imprison me? Torture me?"

"She can end your life like you claim she is trying to."

A gasp escaped from my lips as my throat tightened. "I've died once, there isn't anything worse she can do."

Qia's eyes fell to the ground and her voice lowered. "She can do what she did to me."

My eyes widened, heart pounding. The anger inside died. "What did she do to you?"

Qia opened up her palm, and showed me the mark on her hand. The red, blistered, scarred tissue made of a moon with a wolf howling in the middle of it. The more I stared at it, the more I realized what Baria had done.

"She branded you?"

"As hers and even if I ever escape Udan and the life I have, I'll always be reminded that I belong to her," she explained.

The anger returned with confusion. "Why?"

"I didn't tell you the rest of what happened that day," she explained, a lump visible in her throat. "At the trial..."

"Qia, what has she done to you?"

"To us," she clarified. "My mother and I." Tears welled in her eyes. "Don't make the same mistakes as us. Don't sully her name."

"Qia please tell me what you mean."

She sighed and looked at the ground. "The day we were released from the tower and brought to trial was the worst day of my entire life," she began. "And my mother's. We were dragged down the stairs and arrived at the throne room bruised and broken. Her soldiers were unruly. They wanted to hurt us and they did. She did not reprimand them as they beat us. They laughed at our pain." Qia sniffled. "We were no longer human in her eyes for the mistakes we made."

"We stood before Baria, begging and trying to make her understand. But when frustration and pain battled against each other, I sullied her name. I was beaten only for a moment until they moved to my mother," Qia paused, her voice breaking. "They didn't leave any of her flesh unclaimed. There was so much blood, Mara, you wouldn't believe it all came from her." Tears streamed down her face as she recalled the painful memory. "Baria knew... my mother was my world. She planned to take her from me and bring her to Solace." Her voice trembled but she continued, "She would walk with her ancestors once more and I would be left alone in this cruel, horrible world." Her body curled as she sobbed.

Qia's pain made my chest ache. All I could muster was, "I'm so sorry."

"But then Hona stepped in," she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "He begged her like we did. We saw a shift in the queen and she for a moment no longer bore malice. At first, I thought of it as mercy, but now, as the years go by, I think it's a punishment."

I thought of what Rooke said to me when we walked back to the castle. Because Hona stood up for others and ruined their lives. Stay away from him. You keep your head that way.


"My mother may be alive," she whispered. "But she will never be able to walk the same way again."

Tears welled in my eyes. "Qia..."

She turned to me. Her voice was armored with strength. "So don't make these same mistakes," she ordered, sniffling. "Learn from us and save yourself before its too late. Baria may have looked at you and you may have seen her malice but pretend you didn't see it, you'll live longer."

"I can't say I can," I whispered. "There's so much injustice in this kingdom. I can't stand idly by as she threatens not only me but her people."

Qia grew silent.

"Someone has to do something."

"Mara, I was being genuine when I said you were a part of our clan," she whispered. "You are no enemy to me but to the rest of Udan, they fear you because you are different. They fear you because you look like the enemy. Whatever it is you are thinking of or planning to do, don't. Heed my words."


She interrupted me. "Baria holds more power than anyone here. She cannot die, she cannot be dethroned. She will always be queen of Udan. From this life until the next. When I die, she will still be sitting on her throne of stone," she explained. "Nothing you do will help. Nothing that anyone can do will help."

I nodded, hearing the pain in her voice. Even though I wanted to fight the battle toward understanding her pain, I knew I couldn't. "I understand."

Qia placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know how you feel. I've felt it myself. Helplessness brings us to our knees and it's powerful, but the hopefulness is what keeps us afloat. So have hope."

Hope. It was the only thing keeping me from making mistakes.

"Okay," I whispered. "Thank you, Qia."

"We may find things to change when Hona is crowned king," she continued. "He is the hope we need at this time."

I forgot Hona was to be crowned.

I shifted uncomfortably, her hand falling. "I see."

"Tomorrow will bring change, Mara," she whispered. "Just wait."

Later that night, I stared at the wall, thinking of what Qia said. Even though she had begged me not to do a thing, I felt like it was against the person I was becoming to not do anything.

I gripped my hand tight and thought of Qia. The brand, the killing of another.

Baria was a monster.

Something had to be done. Even with Baria's immortality, I knew there had to be a way to bring her reign to an end, and I was going to find it even if I had to die again. 

Kaija: Queen of StoneWhere stories live. Discover now