You Don't Have To Do This Alone (Post-S2 Sylki)

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Even as she backs away from the timelines, Loki's gaze doesn't leave her. She has his attention now. This is a good start. It's a bit terrifying, but then, when it comes to them, everything seems to terrify her.

There's so much she wants to say to him. She's spent days just thinking of him, thinking of this, and now that she's finally worked up the courage to do it, her mind goes blank. She opens her mouth, but all that comes out is his name, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Why are you here?" Loki asks. His face, his voice, they're emotionless. She'd rather he be angry with her. She knows she'd deserve it. She'd rather he yell at her, tell her off for pushing him away, as long as she got something, some hint that he's still in there.

Sylvie scoffs. "What do you mean, why am I here?" she asks. She doesn't know whether to be hurt or just incredulous that he'd even ask that. "You left us! You didn't say anything. You didn't tell us where you were going or what you were doing. What was I supposed to do, just let you go?"

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

Still, his voice is flat, monotonous, but there's something more this time. There's a bite to it, a deprecating undertone in his words. She deserves it, she knows, but it still hurts to hear.

"I never wanted this," she tells him. "For you, for us."

"There is no 'us.'"

She can feel the very moment her heart shatters in her chest.

There is an 'us.' There's always been an 'us.' From the very moment they met, it was always going to end with them. Even when she hated him, even when she thought him nothing but a drunken nuisance, it was always supposed to end with them.

And he knew that once, too, which may be the worst part. He knew it. There was a time not long ago where he would have fought his way through anything to get back to her. Even when she ran from him, ran from them, ran from what they had, he always went after her.

She's finally done running. It's not because she's not scared. She is. But the thought of losing him scares her more.

"Go home, Sylvie," he says.

She shakes her head helplessly. "What home?"

Loki raises his gaze to the timelines floating above him, and slowly, one timeline descends in front of him. It's almost as though it's reaching out to her, and for some reason she can't place, she longs to do the same to it.

"Your home," Loki says again. "Here, on the timeline. He lowers her gaze to meet hers once more. "Your friends are waiting for you. The young one, Jack, he worries for you. He wants to see you again. You shouldn't keep him waiting."

She knows she shouldn't. Even if Loki hadn't told her, she'd know it's a bad idea. But she finds herself reaching for the timeline regardless. Her hand stops just short, so close that she can feel the power emanating from it. She could touch it; grab it in her hand...

But she doesn't.

She gives him a sad smile. "And what about what I want?"

Loki just looks at her for a few moments, and then the timeline between them begins to float away, returning to its rightful place amongst the others. His brows draw together, just the slightest of movements. "What do you want?"

There's a lot that she wants.




Everything she's never had before, everything that's finally within her grasp; everything she's gotten a taste of in her few months of freedom.

But when she opens her mouth, all that comes out is a whispered, "I just want you."

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