learning to learn (Loki & Sylvie s01e04)

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Loki had been so sure when the TVA showed him that painful summary of the life he'll never get to live that he'd never be more miserable than he was in that moment.

He's beginning to realize that was nothing more than wishful thinking.

Now he's stuck in this hellhole outside of time itself, the closest thing he'd had to a "lead" turned out to be a trio of robotic lizards, and his best friend was pruned right in front of him.

He turns to look at his new... Friend? Partner? He'd very emphatically told Mobius that Sylvie was neither and he'd meant it at the time, but he'd like to think these last few hours have changed that. He'd like to think he still has one friend left.

"Sylvie," he says quietly. It's now or never, he reasons. There's nothing else to do right now; there's nowhere else to be. Why not do it now?

"Not another pep talk," she says. "Please."

Loki shakes his head. "No." He steps towards her, stopping just a few inches back. "I have to tell you something."

Loki hesitates, trying to find the right words. Sylvie just looks at him expectantly, which really isn't helping but, in her defense, he's sure this must seem strange to her. It really is a weird time to have this conversation, but there won't be a better one.

"We will figure this out." He wants to get that out of the way first. They're going to get out of this mess. He'll make sure of it. She deserves the chance to just relax, something she hasn't been able to do in centuries.

"How do you know that?" Sylvie asks, and she just sounds hopeless. It's as painful to hear now as it was on Lamentis. The only difference is that this time, at least one of them still has hope. That's all it will take to carry them through.

"Because, uh..." Loki wrings his hands out nervously. He supposes that could be a decent segway into what he wants to talk about. "Well, back on Lamentis..." He gestures vaguely, like that's gonna help anything, and Sylvie stares at him, confused. He sighs. "This is new for me. Um..."

"What?" Sylvie asks. She almost sounds concerned, which, while it is a step up from annoyed (and he really is glad his inability to form a coherent sentence right now doesn't seem to be frustrating her), isn't quite the reaction he was going for. "What is it?"

Loki puts his hands on her shoulders. "I've only known you for a day, and I've already seen you do some incredible things -- things I could never even dream of. I was so sure that I was 'the superior Loki,' but..." He chuckles softly to himself. "It was always you."

"Loki," she says quietly, "what are you saying?"

He lets out a long breath. "I will never be half the Loki you are. I know that. But if we're going to do this -- if we're going to take down the TVA -- then I need to try."


"Teach me," he says. "Please. Your trucks, your magic, your... your level-headedness and propensity for well-thought-out plans." He gently slides his hands down her sides and clasps them with hers. "I've never been one to ask for help, but I know that I'm not enough. On my own, I'll never be enough. But with you..."

Sylvie cracks a small smile and squeezes his hands reassuringly. "I'm so glad you asked, because right now, you are completely useless."

Loki scoffs and lets go of her hands. "Thanks, Sylvie. That was very nice."

Sylvie gives him a cheeky grin. "I'm just telling you what you already know."

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