The Life He Didn't Know He Left Behind (Thor x Jane)

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Thor's nervous.

Thor doesn't get nervous. He's a god; he's one of the most fearsome warriors in the Nine Realms.

But right now, Thor's nervous.

He doesn't know what to expect. It's been over a year since he spoke to her, and so much can change in a year. What if she's changed her mind? What if those few days they knew each other are nothing but a strange memory for her? What if she hates him? What if she thinks he abandoned her by choice? What if she's moved on?

Maybe this is a bad idea.

Maybe he should go.

But then the door opens.

And it's Darcy.

Her eyes light up when she sees him. "Hey, you're alive!"

Though that does little to calm his nerves, it does put a small smile on his face. "Hello, my friend." She'd been the last thing on his mind when he finally had the opportunity to come here, but it's wonderful to see her nonetheless.

"Jane's gonna be thrilled," she tells him. She looks over her shoulder, cups her hands around her mouth, and yells, "Jane! You have a visitor!" Then she turns back to him with that same big smile on her face. "What are you doing here? It's been, like, a million years!"

"Only one," he says, though it's felt like much longer. "I had to destroy the Bifrost. My brother–"

"You know, your brother is a perfect answer in itself," Darcy interrupts. "I saw that video of him in Germany? And then what he did in New York, too? Like, are we sure he's your brother? 'Cause he's kind of..." She circles her ear with her finger and mouths, "Crazy."

"He's not, actually," Thor says. He understands why she'd think that, but he's not. "He's actually–"

Jane steps into the room, and Thor's heart stops.

She's as beautiful as ever. Even in her sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt; even with her hair in a very messy bun; even without any makeup on and with faint bags under her eyes, she's beautiful. He knew she would be. She always is.

Her eyes go wide when she sees him in the doorway. "Thor," she breathes. "You're..."

Thor smiles warmly. This is what he's been waiting for. "Hi, Jane."

Her gaze flickers between him and Darcy, and the longer she just stands there, silent, with that deer-in-the-headlights look on her face, the less certain he becomes that this was a good idea.

Until finally, she blinks a few times, reorienting herself. "Uh, come in," she says, clearly flustered.

Darcy steps out of the way, and Thor does just that, stepping into the room so that Darcy can close the door behind him.

Jane smiles, much more awkwardly than he did. "Well, um... Hi."

"Hi," he says again, because he's not sure what else to say right now. It's beginning to feel kind of uncomfortable. This isn't quite the warm, heart-felt reunion he'd hoped for.

Darcy may be a strange person, but she's not an idiot, so she wastes very little time in excusing herself – because, she claims, she has laundry to do. Obviously, this is laundry that could not be done at any other time. This is very time-sensitive laundry. And he appreciates that the laundry is time-sensitive, except it means that when Darcy leaves, it gets very, very, quiet.

Thor clasps his hands in front of him and looks around the room. "This is a nice place." It's a very empty, undecorated place, but a nice one nonetheless – certainly better than the vehicle she was living in a year ago.

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