I Don't Even Know What I Am Anymore (Jotun Loki)

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A/N This takes place during the invasion of Jotunheim in the beginning of the first Thor movie 

It seemed like a pretty straightforward plan.

Loki would let the Frost Giants into Asgard, disrupting the coronation before Thor was given the crown. He would subtly suggest Thor retaliate against the Jotuns, despite them both knowing it's not just against their Father's wishes but violates their treaty with Jotunheim. He would tell a guard, the Asgardians would show up and stop them before the fight even began, and he would never have to worry about Thor becoming king. It's a foolproof plan, right?

Except the fight has already started and the other Asgardians are nowhere to be seen.

He might have fucked up with this one.

Seeing no other choice, Loki finds himself fighting back against the Jotuns on their own land. Despite their temporary partnership, Loki definitely doesn't like the Frost Giants, so it's not a deep-seated affection that stops him from slaughtering them the way Thor and his friends do. It's pity, he supposes; perhaps a pang of guilt as well. They've done nothing to deserve this. All they did was follow his lead.

Loki does his best to fight from a distance. It's easier to use his magic that way. Learning that the Frost Giants can freeze an Asgardian's skin with just a touch only gives him more reason to keep a few feet away from them.

One of the Jotuns doesn't get that memo. Perhaps it's on purpose; perhaps he noticed Loki standing back while Thor and his friends fought within a sword's length of their foe. Loki's noticed him lurking in the background, too. He'd been by Laufey's side when the Asgardians arrived. That had done nothing but illuminate just how small he is, especially by King Laufey's side.

At the first sight of violence, the Jotun had shrunk towards the back. Loki had assumed it was out of fear, that he didn't want to be crushed in the battle. The fact that he's approaching Loki one-on-one makes him think that's not the case at all. He was just smart enough to stand back and take a good look before he zeroed in on an opponent. If only he knew he'd chosen the wrong one.

Loki throws a dagger at him, hoping to stop him before he closes in. The Jotun grabs it with ease and tosses it aside, and that's when Loki realizes this isn't going to be an easy fight. He'll still win, of course; it just might take an extra minute or two.

Loki casts the illusion of himself in his place, and he shields himself from view as he steps out of the way, a dagger at the ready. The Jotun conjures a blade of ice in his hand, gripping it tightly. As he's about to strike the illusion, Loki reappears behind him, slashing his dagger down. The Jotun ducks out of the way, and, much to Loki's surprise, he smiles. It's a cold, insincere smile, like he finds Loki's antics amusing but ultimately useless.

Loki tries to stab him again, this time through the heart, but the Jotun grabs his forearm just before the dagger can reach him. Loki struggles to pull his arm free, but the Jotun's grasp is too strong. He can feel the freezing burn in his arm, spreading with every second the Jotun holds on, and Loki begins to panic, pulling on his arm desperately before the damage is irreversible.

He looks down at his arm, preparing for the worst, but even that doesn't prepare him for the sight. His arm is slowly turning blue, spreading before his eyes up past his forearm and well below his wrist. Loki stares at it with wide eyes, then lifts his gaze to look at the Jotun, who looks just as surprised.

Tightening his grip, the Jotun demands, "What are you?"

"What?" Loki's not sure if the word actually leaves his mouth, though he tries his hardest to say it. What is he? He's an Asgardian, that's what he is! What else would he be? What does that question mean?

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