Ame: how do you think I got here idiot.

Canada: right.

Russia: So why did you need the notebook or whatever it was?

Ame: UN called me about the killers, he needed the files I had in there.

We eventually made it to Britains house. I knew that he was thinking it was going to be another intruder.

Ame: guys get down real quick.

Russia: ok?

They both got down, I opened the door and Ducked before the flying knife could reach me.

Britain: I'm sorry kids! I thought it was another one of those people!

Ame: I know, you're lucky I'm good at this kind of stuff. I came back I need to check my room for something.

I ran upstairs into my bedroom. Still leaving Russia shocked at what just happened. Canada was used to it so he just stood there waiting. I opened my bedroom door and started searching drawers. Canada & Russia came up and helped.

Ame: I found it!

Russia: where was it?

Ame: same place. In the wall.

Russia: wall?

Ame: I have a small secret hatch for stuff like this in the wall behind my bed.

Canada: Alright, do you have to go to UN today?

Ame: Tomorrow.

Canada: But we have work and we have to find th-

Ame: I know. I have to reschedule it to today.

Canada: will you have time?

Ame: yeah. Let me go call him.

Russia: we'll wait here.

Ame: k, don't touch anything.

I walked out into the hallway. And pulled out my phone. I tapped on UN's number. He picked up.

UN: hello, what can I do for you?

Ame: Hello UN, i found the files.

UN: well that's great America! Did you find where or who those people are yet?

Ame: well that's why I called, I need to reschedule our meeting to today. I'm going to try to find them tomorrow with the help of some old friends.

UN: I can surely do that. What time?

Ame: whatever one works for you.

UN: alright, 5:30 tonight see you there USA!

Ame: see ya.

I hung up. Well that's in an hour. I walked back into my room. They actually did touch nothing. They were sitting on the floor waiting.

Ame: I have to go to the meeting at 5:30. Anything you need?

Russia: nope! Can we come with?

Ame: can't. But any questions?

Canada: when you mentioned earlier "old friends! Who exactly?

Ame: you'll see. I need to go now. I'll be waiting in the car.

I walked out and said goodbye to everyone. I opened my car door. And someone shot me in the arm from behind me. I pulled out my gun, holding my arm where it was hit. I saw the person in the bushes I shot their head. I got them. Fuck, now my arm. I grabbed some bandages from out of my car and wrapped it around my arm. I knew there were more so I picked up my gun off the seat. I looked at the woods. I couldn't see anyone. Ughh my arm stung a lot. I swear if someone shoots my wing again. I pulled out a knife from my car and held it in front of me. Someone jumped at me from the woods. We were fighting I dodged and ducked while he got brutally attacked by my knife. I eventually got to a point where I could stab it in his head so I did that then another came from the woods. I got my gun again and shot him in the chest. He was barely standing so I chucked a knife at his head. He fell to the ground. No more came out. Now my wing was injured again my arm and my knee. I fell to the ground. It hurt everywhere. And it didn't help that I was out of breath from fighting and killing. Canada and Russia walked out the door.

Canada: Sorry we too-


Ame: I-I'm fine.


Russia: Do you have bandages anywhere!?

Canada: in the car.

Ame: I-I s-swear I'm f-fine.

Russia: No you're not!

Britain: What happened out here I heard screaming!?

Britain: America! 

Ame: I-I'm fine!

I looked at my wing, it was worse this time. Jesus. Where is my Guardian!? Was it all a dream?

I really needed to get to that meeting. I got up and limped to my car, failing half way there cause of my knee. I got back up and made it to my car. I grabbed bandages from my back seat. I wrapped my knee and wing again. My arm was still bleeding in the bandages. I was not expecting that.

Ame: I-I need to g-get to the m-meet-ting.

Canada: Ame! You can't go like this!?

Ame: I have t-to.

Canada: Ame, you're going to die if you loose anymore blood!

Ame: I'm Fine! I-I just need t-to get to that me-meet-ing!

Ame: I don't w-want you guys t-to get at-tacked!

Britain: Son we'll be fine but you need help.

Ame: I-I don't!

Britain: Listen, I will give you a ride to your apartment that way you can change for your meeting. But promise that you will take care of yourself?

Ame: I promise.

H walked to the car and we drove to my apartment. I got out and walked to my dorm. I changed into a dark gray suit. I walked back out to the car and got in.

Britain: all set son?

Ame: y-yep.

We started driving to UN's headquarters. Once we got there I got out of the car.

Britain: what time should I be back?

Ame: 6:15.

Britain: alright, see you son.


Sorry that I wasn't online today..

Aber äh, wir sehen uns das nächste Mal.Word-Count: 1280

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