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Calvin and Michelle decided to allow the kids to spend the weekend at their grandparents house. Michelle was against the idea, wanting them, Romeo especially, to stay near her, but they really wanted to go to their grandparents. Romeo also asked if his two best friends could come, so they'll all be meeting with their parents .

It's Friday after school, and Calvin's assistant Jameson is waiting outside the kids school to pick them up. He already picked up Arielle, and is just waiting for the bigger kids. Calvin asked him to pick up his kids and bring them to his office because he was stuck in a meeting and their mom had some business to take care of as well. The family didn't know too much about it, but she assured them they would know everything soon.

He sees April and Romeo walking to the parking lot together. He sees two other boys as well, assuming they're friends of the two. They look over and see Jameson. April waves and goes up to him.

"Hi Uncle James! Where's Poppy?" she says, hugging him around the waist. He smiles and gives her a peck on the head. Everyone at the clinic loves the kids. Jameson, being Calvin's assistant, is very close with them. They even call him their uncle, which touched him so deeply when they started doing it a few years ago.

"Your dad is stuck at work right now, so we'll go over there and he'll take you home in a few hours. He wants me to make sure you kids get your homework done." He tells her just as Romeo walks up.

"Where's my dad, Uncle James?" He says. He repeats what he told April, taking them to his car and driving them to the clinic. He picks Arielle up, carrying her inside while the bigger kids walked in front of him. She told him when he picked her up that she was pretty tired because she didn't get a lot of sleep the night before.

He takes them upstairs and walks into Calvin's office. They put their bags down and turn the TV on. Once Romeo came home, Calvin upgraded his office for his three little ones. He had a TV mounted on the wall, replaced the old couch with a new one that turned into a bed, and added a study area for his little ones that had a table and bookshelf for them with an extra computer.

Romeo goes and sits at his dads desk, turning on the computer so he can use it for his homework. The two girls go over to the table and take out their homework as well.

Jameson leaves for a few minutes to put his keys away and check the phone for any missed calls or messages before going back to the kids.

"Alright, what can I get you kids for a snack?" he asks them. They tell him what they want and he turns to go downstairs to the small cafe they uabe on the first floor. Arielle runs up to him.

"Uncle James, can I go with you?" She asks, holding her hands up. He smiles and nods, picking her up and telling the bigger kids not to leave the room. They walk to the elevator and go down to the cafe. All employees eat free, so Jameson got something for himself as well. He gets the kids fruit bowls and juices, knowing how Michelle likes the kids to eat after school. He thanks the cashier and takes the bag in one hand, and shifts Arielle to the other.

On their way to the elevator, they run into a nurse named Megan. She's usually the one who helps Calvin when the kids come to the clinic for check ups or anything else they need. Her and Jameson, along with their family friend Mikhail, or Uncle Mike to the kids, are the three closest people to them who aren't family. Arielle smiles and waves.

"Meg! Hi!" She says. Megan laughs, waving back at her and patting her head.

"Hi, Honey. How are you today? Where's your big brother and sister?" She asks, wanting to see the other kids as well.

"Bubby and Sissy are in Daddy's office. We gotta wait for him." She says. "Come say hi?" She continues, hopeful. Megan smiles and nods her head, walking into the elevator with them. They walk down the hallway to Calvin's office and walk inside. Romeo and April are doing their homework. Meg says hello to them and Jameson gives the kids their food. They start eating while he turns the TV on to put something they can watch on.

Megan eventually goes back downstairs and James leaves the office to go to his desk to continue working. The kids finish up their homework and Romeo tells his sisters to sit on the couch while he turns the TV back on. He puts a movie on and sits with them while they wait for their dad.

"Bubby, Poppy's taking a long time." April tells her brother. Romeo just nods looking at the clock. It's about to be 5 already, and theure supposed to meet Greyson and Charlie's parents at 6.

"Do you guys want to call Mama and see what she's doing?" He asks, making his sisters nod happily. He walks over to Calvin's desk and picks up the phone, dialing his Mom's number.

"Hello, Cal?" He hears his mom. He quickly puts it on speaker so everyone can hear. He pulls out the big desk chair and tells his sisters to sit there. He learned from his dad to always be a gentleman and let ladies sit. His dad treated his Mom so well. He knows how lucky he is to have two parents who both love each other and treat each other with respect. One if his best friends has a single mom, so he knows he's a lucky kid.

"Hi Mama, it's me." Romeo says back. Michelle laughs. He loves hearing his Mama laugh.

"Oh! Hello, my Sweetie. Your at Dad's office? Are the girls there?" She asks.

"Hi, Mama." The girls both say. She says hello to them and they chat for a couple of minutes.

"Alright kids, let's hang up now. We don't want the line to be busy in case someone is calling your father, okay? I'll see you at home at 6 so we can meet your friends, Mommy loves you all so much." She says and cuts the line. They put the phone back and go to the couch. James rushes in.

"Kids, we're you using the phone just now?" He asks. They nod, making him sigh.

"Remember I told you, if you ever want to call someone, ask me and you can use my cellphone. We cannot use the office phone while there's a meeting going on because they use it to talk to other people at different clinics." He explains to them.

Romeo's eyes get big. "Was Poppy using the phone?" He asks. James nods.

"Kids, your Dad was on the phone with someone and the line cut off. He's pretty upset." He says sadly. Romeo opens his mouth just as Calvin walks in the room.

"What happened? You guys were using the phone while I was in a meeting, you know better!" Calvin says, his voice getting louder. April and Arielle look down. They never get yelled at or get in trouble.

"Sorry, Poppy. We wanted to call Mama. You took a long time." Arielle said. He looks over at her, sighing when he sees her sad face.

"I know you didn't do anything wrong, baby girl." He says, and looks over at his eldest.

"Romeo, you know better than to use the phone when I'm in a meeting don't you? So why did you do it?" He scolds him. Romeo looks shocked.

"We all wanted to call Mama. And I didn't know you were using the phone amyways!" He says, getting mad. Why is he always blamed?

Calvin shakes his head. "Romeo I know James told you I was in a meeting. You do NOT use the phone. You're the eldest sibling, you know better. You guys have TV and the computers in here, there's was no need to use the phone until I was done. And you can use James' phone."

Romeo just sighs and goes to get his backpack. "Just take me back to Mama." he mumbles, walking past him out of the office toward the elevator. Calvin looks defeated. It's been rocky with him and Romeo for a little bit, and he keeps messing up.

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