Once when He was a child

Then By His Brother

Now By his Lover

Why Living is so Hard with him

Curling up in the corner of the room,

Vegas let the darkness swallow him

Cause Happiness is something which never stay.

Now He have to Live with The Memories

Tell Him Father what to ask for forgiveness?

For not becoming a Person you Wanted or for what he has become

Tell Him Mother what Should he regret?

For what I am or What I'm not

Tell Him Lover what Should he see Live for?

For Your Fading Love or Your Memories

Tell Him Brother what should he beg for?

For Love He Deserve or didn't deserve

Vegas Woke up with a sudden jerk, Eyes snap open. Body covered with sweat, Gasping for air. He looked around the room suspiciously and paranoid.
The sun shines bright through the window, washing away the vestiges of the horror, He realize It was a nightmare

"I can't even express in a simple thing as words how worthless you make me feel. Because of that, because of all the pain you're putting me,You were the one to Heal me Pete and Now You are the one who's breaking me apart in such way that my heart will never br fixed ", Vegas said with a bitter smile.

He know His Pa is right.He was always right, he is such a useless whore, everyone hates him and if they loved him were foolish, and surely didn't love him really... if they knew him better, he was sure they would stop loving him right away, and hate him, like he deserved it. Vegas was convinced that he didn't deserve anyone's love.. They all would leave me just like everyone else and Pete Proved him right

Worthless. He was worthless. No one could love him, no one could look up to him, or admire him. He wasn't worthy of any kind of love or admiration.He noticed his arms are bandaged, Feeling anger and pain building inside him. He started scratching the cuts more deeper with his nails. The bandages were becoming bloody but he didn't cared.

He didn't felt pain, he was feeling numb. He deserves it, he should kill himself, no one will care anyway but then he heard someone knocking the door, he immediately recognised the voice.
It was Kinn

"Vegas open the door please",

He don't even remember when did he managed to shut the door. He shook his head, still violently shaking.he wasn't ready to face anyone, especially not when he is such a mess

" Dad, Open The door please", There was a cry. It was Venice, Venice is crying. Without thinking twice Vegas get up from bed in rush, almost falling. Opening the door, Venice ran in his arms sobbing mess.

"shhh shh Dad is here", Vegas said rubbing his back but Venice didn't calm down." You are worrying me Venice. Tell dad what Happened ", He said while whispering soft words in Venice ears who had made tight grip on Vegas shirt

" Don't L.. Leave m... me a.. alone d.. dad p.. please ", He said in between crying and Vegas could feel Guilt consuming his body like venom.

" I will never Leave You Venice, Dad is with you. He always will ", Vegas said in firm voice and Everyone who had gathered in the room cheered. Tankhun rolled his eyes, Kinn and Porsche were happy with Chay who was being emotional hugging Kim.

" We Will Help You Vegas. You will be better, Just Trust us this time", Kinn said and Vegas nod still hugging Venice to his body. He was ready for better tomorrow, maybe without pete but for Venice, he will Live. He will give his child a Life which he deserved unlike him

But There was a lingering question in back of his head

"Did you Ever Loved me Pete"

but for now he pushed the thought away. His Child is his first priority. Everyone was happy but then a Body guard came there interrupting their Moment

"Apologies Khun Kinn, But There's an Emergency. Pete has returned but his health is really critical. There was bullet wounds on his Body. We Have taken him to Medial wing but he has lost a lot of blood",

Pete is back

I will continue this after after 21 December now Due to My Exams.
So, After this I'm thinking of switching the book to Pete Pov. What do you guys think!....?

"Don't hate me more than i hate myself", Vegaspete Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now