chapter one

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It was a windy day in the March of 1815. Napoleon had just assembled his troops and found a suitable place to begin their training; an abandoned village a few miles east of the coast.
   "Williams!" He yelled across the field. A tall, dark-haired man made his way towards him.
   "Yes, sire?"
   Napoleon dismounted his horse, turning toward the safe house, gesturing Williams to follow.
   "I need to be caught up to date with the current goings-on around the area. I have been kept in the dark for far too long, and I fear I am out of touch with the current trends and happenings." He stated. Williams nodded obediently and began.
   Napoleon waited patiently for him to finish.
   "So, this Duke of Wellington..." Napoleon wondered aloud, "is he worthy of my fight?"
   Williams hesitated. "He has garnered quite a large following. I fear he may be."
   Napoleon chuckled. "Ah, Williams... pray do not fear. I am unbeaten, if not in all the world then in all of Europe!"
   This seemed to assure Williams, who smiled widely. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but was interrupted by the sound of the messenger-boy coming.
   "MR BONAPARTE! MR BONAPARTE!" He yelled across the wide field. Napoleon scoffed and exited the small cabin, the cold air instantly hitting his face, causing him to shiver. 
   "Here, boy!" He projected, his voice carrying. The boy approached him, completely out of breath. Napoleon supposed he was around twelve.
   "Sire... a message!" He began, but was cut off by his need for oxygen.
   "Speak, boy!" Napoleon shouted up at him. The boy was breathing heavily as he spoke.
   "From the Duke of Wellington, Sire! His greatness has requested you meet him, tonight when the moon is at its peak, in the Widow's Neck."
   Napoleon raised an eyebrow. "Williams," he said, turning to face to tall man, "what kind of audacity would a man need to go on having his followers refer to him as greatness?" he pondered. Williams shook his head.
   "I have no idea, your wonderfulness." He responded. Napoleon shook his head once more.
   "You say when the moon has peaked, eh?" He questioned. The messenger boy nodded down at him. Napoleon took a moment to think.
   "Ah, right. Oui, oui, then! So it shall be! When the moon has peaked! Tell your 'greatness'," Napoleon muttered as he made air quotes, "I shall arrive. Go on now, not a moment to lose!" He yelled.
   The messenger boy nodded and turned, sprinting away as fast as he could. Napoleon chuckled to himself. Fans in every corner of the world... and he wouldn't have it any other way.



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