Chapter 3

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Kichii's P.O.V -

As Mizuki showed Kei the equipment and also the bar where all the cafe and coffee things were, I watched them both from one of the chairs and also put the chairs up onto the table since it's also closing time. After Mizuki showed Kei where the things were, we all called it a night.

Next Morning -

"Good morning Kichii-chan!" Mizuki greeted me as he waved at me as I entered the cafe seeing that Kei is already working at the coffee bar where all the orders are made and seeing how fast but gentle he moves and seems really skilled. "Ohayou Ms. Kichii!" Kei greeted me softly as I went behind the counter to set my things on the shelf for the authorities only. "Just call me Kichii, Kei-san, Good morning too!" I greeted him as I saw him nodded and smiled too, Mizuki hugged me and smiled at me. Mizuki never really changed because the way he greeted me is always the same. It's not that I'm complaining though, it's just adorable that he never even grew out of it.

As the time strikes at 9 am, People start coming in and ordering their usual orders. There's one person who caught my eye though, and he seems very familiar but can't put a finger where I possibly met him. I glance at Mizuki seeing him in front of the counter taking the orders while Kei is making the orders. Once it's the familiar guy's turn, I somehow remember who he is. "Can I have 1 flat white please?" He ordered and somehow glanced at me, once our eyes met. It strikes me like a thunder, He's one of the guys that I used to date!

His name is Kumiko, he's an architect that I met in my former university. Sakurai Meriin University, still can remember the university name and I never felt this nostalgic feeling before. "Kichii, is that really you?" Kumiko asked as he smiled widely, seeing and recognizing me. "Ah, Kumiko-san. I didn't know it's you!" I half heartedly said as I fake my smile and I can see Mizuki glancing between me and Kumiko-san. "I thought I won't ever see you again!" Kumiko exclaimed as he gave 30$ to Mizuki, "Yeah, just been busy helping Mizuki-chan here." I said as I grinned and Kumiko nodded. "Flat white for Kumiko!" Kei called as the order was already done and Kumiko went and got it, As he was out of my sight. I took a deep breath, the most I have ever done in my whole life, "What's wrong, Kichii-chan?" Mizuki asked as he looked so concerned at me and I nodded. "It's nothing Mizu-chan." I lied but I felt a pinch in my heart and I felt my whole mood change after seeing him.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" Mizuki asked as he seemed really seemingly concerned and all I could do was nod, "If you want to talk about it, I'm just here okay?" he said as he gave me headpats. I watched Kumiko exit the cafe and I felt a little bit safe again, "Kumiko is my ex from my former university." I said as Mizuki nodded and sighed.

As the day went on and more customers came in and ordered their usual coffee, A girl approached the counter where Kei was behind, wiping the coffee machine and giggling. "I find you cute, what's your name?" The girl said as Kei was caught off-guard from what the girl asked and even left me shook, Kei cleared his throat and handed the girl her water. "I'm sorry, I'm on duty and I can't share personal information during work time. Gomene." Kei stated as he gave her a small smile and the girl came back to her seat obviously embarrassed. I giggled and Mizuki turned to me, "What are you laughing at, kichii-chan?" he asked and I just shrugged. 

-  Third Person's P.O.V -

As the day went on, less people hung out in the cafe and more take-outs were ordered than dine in orders. Another hour passed by, and the cafe was closing. Cleaning and Tidying up the whole cafe before closing it for another day duty again, "Oyasumi Kichii-chan and Mizuki-san!" Kei said as he sling his bag on his shoulder and waved goodbye to Kichii and Mizuki and left only by themselves. "That's a pretty busy day." Kichii commented, making Mizuki smile and nodded, "It is." he answered as he organized his stuff. "We should get home or do you wanna go somewhere?" Kichii asked Mizuki as she wore her small leather backpack and grinned at him as Mizuki shook his head 'no'.

"Let's go somewhere then, fancy visiting my place?" Mizuki asked Kichii as she nodded, agreeing to what Mizuki offered, "That's fine by me, it's been a while too that I haven't visited your place." Kichii said as she and Mizuki exited the back exit of the cafe, made sure to lock it of course, and approached Mizuki's car, Mizuki assisted Kichii by going inside and they both left the cafe. As Mizuki and Kichii arrived at their destination, Kichii got out of the car and Mizuki locked his car and approached the front door.

As Mizuki let Kichii get inside his home, Kichii was engulfed by the familiar warmth and cozy feeling. She took off her shoes and dove onto Mizuki's soft couch. "I miss this couch, missed this whole place." Kichii said as she lay on the couch, making Mizuki chuckle and sat beside her. They both hang out through the night till they fall asleep cuddling each other.

- Next Day - 

- Mizuki's P.O.V -

I woke up and found myself cuddling with Kichii in my bed. I checked the time and it's only 8:00 am. Besides I missed cuddling Kichii too, It's been awhile too. I felt Kichii stirred beside me and heard a small yawn, "Good morning, Kichii!" I greeted her as she snuggled closer to me making me giggle softly.

- 30 minutes later -

As Me and Kichii get ready to go back to the cafe, we spotted Kei already inside the cafe cleaning everything in the counter in his working station. "Kei has an extra key?" I asked Kichii as she nodded, confirming that she might have given him an extra key just in case. "I gave him an extra key just in case one of us is late or he went earlier than us." Kichii said as she explained while we're both getting out of the car and going inside the cafe, we're both greeted by a good aroma of authentic coffee brewing. 

"Ohayou Mizuki and Kichii-chan." Kei greeted as he saw us come inside the cafe, we both greeted Kei back and smiled at him. "Ohayou too, Kei!" Kichii exclaimed as she sat by the counter near where the pastries were, Mizuki changed the sign to 'We're Open!' and went back behind the counter and waited for someone to walk in.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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