Chapter 1

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- Third person's P.O.V -

Kichii Haru is the co-owner of the Steamin' Muggies Cafe and works at the cafe and the cafe is originally owned by Mizuki Yabashi. Mizuki and Kichii met back from the university they both went to, Mizuki studied about being a barista for 3 months and while Kichii were still studying.

Mizuki is 23 years old while Kichii is 20 years old, they have a lot in common like they have the same music taste, same hobbies, and same favorite snacks or food. Kichii sometimes dropped by at the cafe and checked things up, sometimes bringing snacks to Mizuki. But these past few months, Kichii has been busy with her studies and barely dropping by and hanging out with Mizuki, Mizuki is also busy with his cafe and doing errands too.

Kichii decided to drop by and bring her school papers to the cafe since her semester break is near. She entered the cafe with a small smile as she spotted Mizuki training a new employee as his assistant. "Oh hey Kichii, are you just dropping by?" Mizuki asked as he wiped his hands on his brown apron and approached his friend to hug her. Kichii shook her head and hugged Mizuki back, "I'll be staying here while doing my papers." Kichii answered as she set her school papers folder and laptop bag to the exclusive table.

"Ooh, busy?" Mizuki asked as he sat across from Kichii watching her pull out her laptop from her bag and turning it on, "Not really much, nearly done with these papers. Just have to finish this and print it out." Kichii explained as she started typing on her laptop and Mizuki sighs as he slowly stood up, and let Kichii do her things and work in front of the counter.

- Mizuki's P.O.V -

Time to time, I keep looking over Kichii to check if she's okay but she's still typing away on her laptop and stopping to yawn, sleepily re-reading her documents. I decided to make her coffee because I know she'll like making her coffee strong yet sweet cause I know she enjoys sweet things since she's a sweet tooth.

While brewing the coffee, I took a glance at her , resting her head on her arm and looking at her laptop screen from time to time to see if there's a notifications from her emails. Once I'm done brewing the coffee, I fetch a fresh cold milk from the fridge and add it to the coffee. After preparing her coffee, I approached Kichii's table and fixed her papers and set the coaster before setting the coffee I made for her. She smiled up at me warmly and thanked me softly while I smiled back at her. I watched her take a sip from the cup and softly smiled to herself as she seemed to enjoy her drink.

More hours passed by, she stretched herself out and seemed more awake than earlier, she turned her laptop off and kept sipping on her coffee. "I'll probably re-read them tomorrow before printing them out and passing them soon." She stated as she's trying to enjoy her coffee and I nodded. "By the way Kichii, after passing those do you happen to be busy tomorrow?" I asked her as she finished the whole coffee and she shook her head 'no'. "I don't have anything planned for tomorrow since I finished everything." She answered as she looked at me and waited for me to tell her why I asked her. "I just thought if it's okay to you if you can hang out here with me for the whole week while you're in Semester Break." I answered as she nodded and smiled. "I have no problem with that Mizu. I'm also planning to hang around here while my week is available from semester break." She said as she set her things away and gently put her laptop in her laptop bag. 

And we called it a night and closed the cafe.


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