01 - Perfect for the job

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It started with a ride in a windowless car.

John Archer had been warned never to look out the windows, and never to ask questions. He was also warned that if he did, he would regret it.

And so, he rode in silence, staring ahead. He was grateful that the car was comfortable, but he was uneasy about where he was going. He had received a call the day before, from a number he didn't recognize. The voice on the other end had been gruff and unyielding. It had offered him a job. A job that seemed too good to be true.

The car stopped abruptly, jolting him from his thoughts. He looked out the window. They had arrived at a building he had never seen before. It was a stark, imposing structure, surrounded by a high fence. He wondered if it was a prison.

Soon, the driver opened the door and motioned for him to get out. He stepped out of the car, a lump in his throat. The young man was led through a series of gates, and it became apparent that this was no prison. It was a government facility of some kind.

Entering the building, he was taken to a large office, where they handed him several nondisclosure agreements to sign. He read them quickly. The young man was aware that once he signed them, he would be bound by their terms and wouldn't just have to pay a fine if he blabbered, he would be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, he had no choice, John had been unemployed for three months, living on his younger brother's couch. They were offering a good salary and came with very attractive bonuses, like food and lodging. He signed the documents, hoping that he wouldn't regret it.

John was then taken to a small room with a single door. Inside, he was then handed a stack of files and told to study them carefully. The documents explained the nature of his job. Before reading, he assumed that the job would be like that of a night watcher at a boring government facility. Doing stuff like walking around the property in an uncomfortable uniform, carrying a radio, flashlight, and a taser.

He couldn't have been more wrong.

He was expected to monitor and interact with various creatures, and to report to his supervisor. Reading the documents, John felt sick to his stomach, did he agree to be a guinea pig in experiments with dangerous creatures? What kind of interactions are these? Could it be something as simple as petting them, or perhaps something more sinister like being attacked, bitten, and poisoned?

Depressed now that he realized he was trapped in a suspicious job that could lead to his death, John was led to another room. In his helpless state, John didn't even notice when he was escorted into the new location.

"Greetings, Mr. Archer. It's a pleasure to welcome you to my team."

Looking ahead, John came face to face with a peculiar woman. Despite having an attractive body, the Asian woman in front of him dressed in a black business suit was past her prime. Maybe 5 years ago, she would have been considered a Milf.



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