Chapter 4 - Vampires

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Author's Note: The Batch find out more about what they are. :)

~ Amina Gila

It doesn't really hurt, but he finds himself fighting the calm washing through him anyway. The closeness is soothing, yes, but that doesn't... guarantee anything. Doesn't mean he's not still afraid.

Wrecker is watching him, too, and he doesn't know if it's more from worry, or from how badly he wants to join.

And he still doesn't know what to do about Crosshair's chip. Probably, they need to figure out what the... vampire thing means first, exactly. "Omega," he says, looking to her, because she's the one that should know. "How much do you know about our... abilities? I feel different now."

"Aside from being drawn to blood?" Tech snips.

"And have fangs," Hunter adds, because he's still a little freaked out by that.

"And move way too fast," Wrecker grumbles.

"Crosshair seemed stronger, too," Tech adds. "So did you."

"I don't really know," Omega replies, "Nala Se never explained much about it."

Hunter shifts slightly closer to Echo, arm wrapping around him almost instinctively. He doesn't remember moving consciously, but he's still doing it, and he doesn't really mind. "If Echo didn't have it before, why is it happening to him?"

"I don't know," she answers, approaching and settling down next to them. "Maybe it has something to do with him being bitten?"

"But... Tech's not changing yet," Wrecker objects, looking at him for confirmation.

"Echo was bitten twice," Tech replies, typing on his datapad. "It may also be connected to Crosshair being the first who transformed, or that he was mostly transformed when he did it."

That makes a small amount of sense, as much as any of this does and probably ever will. Hunter shifts a little, and he leans closer when Echo's hand shifts from his shoulder to wrap around his back. It's weird, but not unwelcome.

Echo has been changed once already, and Hunter feels bad about doing it again. There's nothing he can do except live with it, but still.

"Are you sure you're alright with this?" Echo's voice says, and Hunter nearly jumps. He's still feeding, but he was talking, and it takes a moment to realize that he heard the voice in his head. They can do that?

"Was that you?" he queries incredulously.

Echo pulls back, still lingering close enough for Hunter to feel his warmth. "Didn't know it would work," he replies, faintly amused and slightly intrigued.

"How did you know we could do that?"

"I didn't." Echo lowers his head back to Hunter's neck, and most of the tension is draining from him.

"Do what?" Omega asks, perking up.

"The General could do it," Echo says in his mind.

Now that Hunter feels it, hears it, he can feel their bond strengthening enough that they can talk to each other. They can send thoughts to each other if they mean to. It's... "We can talk telepathically," he explains.

Omega's eyes widen. Tech is sitting in one of the seats, occasionally glancing down at them. Wrecker and Crosshair are still on the floor nearby.

"I'm sorry about the... transformation thing," Hunter sends to him, because it's something they need to say, but it's a little... awkward to talk about it with everyone here. With Crosshair here, at least.

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